User:Grandmakr/John FLINT 1762/1763 - 1819

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Records Gathered


  • 1790 recreated from Tax List Lincoln County
  • 1800 recreated from Tax List Barren County
  • 1810 Caldwell County
    Males:2 10-16, 1 16-26, 1 26-45
    Females:3 < 10, 2 10-16, 1 16-26

Tax Lists

Lincoln County, Kentucky

  • 1789
    1 man 1 horse/mare/mule
  • 1790
    1 man 2 horse/mare/mule
  • 1791
    1 man 2 horse/mare/mule

Nelson County, Kentucky

  • 1792
    1 > 21; 1 black, 3 horses, 10 cattle, Not taxed for land
    West & Southwest of Rolling Fork River
    Family History Library Call #s 976.9 R48s Vol 2, Page 19 & 976.9495 H25N Vol 6 Page 59

Green County, Kentucky

  • 1795
    1 > 21, 1 black total, 1 > 16, 2 horses, 13 cattle
  • 1799
    200 acres Little Barren
    Entry John FLINT
    127 1/2 acres Green River
    Entry Moses Crawford
    1 > 21, 5 horses

Barren County, Kentucky

  • 1800
    125 3/4 acres Barren/Green River
    Entry J Trafford survey J Trafford
    1 man 3 horses
    100 acres Barren/Little Barren
    Entry Michael Campbell Survey Michael Campbell
  • 1801
    145 acres Barren/Little Barren
    Entry M Campbell Survey M Campbell
    1 man 3 horses
  • 1802
    1?9 acres Barren/Little Barren
    Entry Michael Campbell Survey Michael Campbell
    1 man < 21, 0 > 16, 1 Black > 16, 2 black total, 4 horses

Livingston County, Kentucky

  • 1806
    1 > 21, 1 black total, 4 horses
  • 1807
    200 acres Tradewater
    Entry-Own, Survey-Own
    1 > 21, 1 > 16, 5 horses
  • 1808
    200 acres Tradewater
    Entry Michael Campbell Survey Michael Campbell
    1 > 21, 7 horses
  • 1809
    200 acres Tradewater
    Entry Michael Campbell
    1 > 21, 1 black > 16, 2 black total, 6 horses

Caldwell County, Kentucky

  • 1809
    1 > 21, 1 black > 16, 2 black total, 6 horses
  • 1810
    200 acres Tradewater
    Entry Michael CAMPBELL Survey John FLINT
    2 > 21, 1 black > 16, 3 black total, 10 horses
    100 acres Tradewater
    Entry Thos FLINT Survey John FLINT
  • 1811
    100 acres Skinframe
    Entry Wm Perkins Survey Wm Perkins
    100 acres Skinframe
    Entry John Perkins
    1 > 21, 1 black > 16, 2 black total, 6 horses
  • 1812
    100 acres Skinframe
    Entry Wm Perkins Survey Wm Perkins
    100 acres Skinframe
    Entry John Perkins Survey J Perkins
    1 > 21, 2 black > 16, 5 black total, 6 horses
  • 1813
    100 acres Skinframe
    Entry John Perkins Survey J Perkins Patent J Perkins
    100 acres Skinframe
    Entry Wm Perkins Survey Wm Perkins Patent Wm Perkins
    1 > 21, 2 black > 16, 4 black total, 7 horses
  • 1815
    216 Skinframe
    Entry John Perkins Survey J Perkins
    1 > 21, 2 black > 16, 4 black total, 10 horses
  • 1816
    219 Skinframe
    Entry J Perkins Survey J Perkins Patent Wm Hamilton
    1 > 21, 2 black > 16, 5 black total, 7 horses
  • 1817
    119 acres Skinframe
    Entry J Perkins Survey J Perkins Patent (not listed)
    50 acres Skinframe
    Entry J Perkins Survey J Perkins Patent Wm Hamilton
    1 > 21, 2 black > 16, 6 black total, 7 horses
  • 1818
    300 acres Skinframe
    Entry J Perkins Survey J Perkins Patent Wm Hamilton
    1 > 21, 2 black > 16, 6 black total, 8 horses
  • 1820 - 1823
    Taxed to Elizabeth FLINT

Land Records

Green County, Kentucky

  • September 3, 1798 Page 56 No 689
    John Flint is entitled to 200 acres of second rate land...on the south side of Little Barren River begining (sic) on a sugar tree, poplar & cherry tree meandering the river down to Cockran's corner thence southwardly with Cockran's line for compliment & including said Flint's Improvement.

Barren County, Kentucky

  • Minute Books November Court 1799
    Deed from Michael Campbell to John Flint acknd. and OK. Absent John McFerran, CPresent: Wm Renick Esq. Deed
  • Deed dated November 25, 1799
    Michael Campbell and Margaret his wife of Barren County to John Flint of Green County 100 acres in Barren County on south side of Little Barren River on a branch adjoining Major Wells.
    • This Indenture made this 25th day of November in teh year of our Lord 1799 between Michael Campbell and Margaret his Wife of Barren County and State of Kentucky of the one part and John Flint of the County of Green and State of aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds current money of the State above mentioned to the said Michael and Margaret Campbell in hand paid by the said John Flint who hath granted bargained and sold, and by these presents grant bargain and sell unto the said John Flint his heirs Executors and Administrators or Assigns one certain tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred Acres lying and being in Barren County on the south side of little Barren on a branch of said River and bounded as followeth To wit, Beginning at a large black Oak in a line of a Survey said to be entered for Major Wells runing thence with said line, South 65 degrees West 178 poles to a stake thence South 25 degrees East 90 poles to two post Oaks thence North sixty five degrees East 178 poles crossing a branch to three post Oaks thence North 25 degrees West 90 Poles crossing said branch to the Begining, with all waters Watercourses and appertenances, unto the said John Flint his Heirs or Assigns forever; To have and to hold the said one hundred Acres of Land unto the said John Flint his Heirs or Assigns forever, and the said Michael and Margaret Campbell unto the said John Flint his Heirs or Assigns forever doth hereby Warrant and forever Defend the said described Land and in Witness hereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this .... and year above Written
      Michael (his X mark) Campbell
      Margaret (her X mark) Campbell

      It was filed: November County Court 1799

      This Indenture was acknowledged by the within named Michael Campbell to be his Act and Deed and was ... to be Recorded
      Teste W Logan CC

      Barren County To wit
      We the under named Justice of of (two on original) the Peace for the said Count of Barren do hereby certify that we have examined the within named Margaret Campbell wife of the said Michael Campbell privaly and apart from her said Husband, and that the said Margaret did in our presence declare that she willingly signed the within Deed which was shown and explained to her by us and consented that the same should be Recorded in said Court given under our hands and seals this 11th day of December 1799
      Dudley Roundtree (seal)
      Wm Renick (seal)

      Barren County To wit January the 18th 1800
      A Deed from Michael Campbell & Margaret his Wife to John Flint was produced to me in my Office with a Certificate of relinquishment of Dower of the said Margaret Campbell thereon endorsed, and the said Certificate was admited to Record
      Teste W Logan CC

      There is a black mark on the microfilm copy that may be due to tape being on the original copy

      • Land deed dated July 25, 1796 recorded in Green County
        Michael Campbell enters 200 acres of land upon a certificate No. 21 granted by the Commissioners lying on the south side of Little Barren on a branch of said river about 3/4 of a mile from the Elk Lick to include his improvement. Begining (sic) at a large black oak in a line of a survey said to be entered for Major Wales thence running with said line westwardly twice the width in length and off southwardly at right angles for quantity.

  • Minute Books July Court 1801 (2 entries)
    • 80 acres as per entry filed & Ord to be Cert.
      • Original land entries of Barren County, Kentucky : 1801-1840
        Loose papers in drawer photocopied from the originals by Sandra K. Gorin
        976.972 R29b v. 3 Family History Library, Salt Lake City
        (Some of the data is darkened, possibly in a fold)
        John Flint applied for a Certificate for Eighty acres of Vacant land in Barren County on the waters of little Barren Beginning on a Stake where Thomas Bates line Strikes said John Flints line Running thence with ??? Bates line and ?ound to said Flints old line accordind (sic) to law for quantity Including his Improvement
        John Flint

        The signature on the document is not likely that of John Flint, as the same writing is throughout the document,
    • Deed Moses Crawford to John Flint acknd. & OK.
      Deed dated 2 July 1801
      Moses Crawford and his wife of Barren County to John Flint of Barren County 127 1/2 acres in Barren County about 5 miles from Rowntree's ferry on Green River, surveyed September 5, 1796
      • Book B, Pages 14-15
        Microfilm # 0,209,720 Family History Library, Salt Lake City
        (The double s symbol is used, which makes Moses appear as Mosses and Moss)
        This Indenture made this 2nd day of July in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and one between Mosses Crawford and his wife of the County of Barren and State of Kentucky of the one part and John Flint of said County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds current money of the state above mentioned to the said Mosses and wife in hand do by the said John Flint, who hath granted bargained and Sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said John Flint his Heirs Exex ors Adm ors or assigns one certain tract or Parcel of Land containing one hundred twenty seven acres and a half by survey having date of the 5th day of September 1796 lying in Barren County (dark area on microfilm copy - taken from abstract - about five miles) from Rowntrees Ferry on Green River and bounded as followeth To wit Beginning at two hickories and Post Oak near a ???? runing (sic) thence North 85 degrees West 170 poles to four post Oaks on the side of a ridge thence South 5 degrees West 120 poles to three post Oaks thence South 85 degrees East 170 poles to two small Post Oaks thence North 5 degrees East 120 Poles to the Beginning with all waters Watercourses appertenances to the said John Flint his Heirs and assigns forever and then said Mosses and his Wife unto the said John Flint and his Heirs and assigns forever doth warrant and Defend the said Described land and In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and Seals the day and year above Written
        Mosses Crawford (Seal)
        his order
        Signed Sealed & delivered
        In the presence of us

        Barren County To wit July County Court 1801
        This Indenture was acknowledged by the said Mosses Crawford to be his act and Deed and was ordered to be Recorded
        Teste Wi?agan Clk

  • Minute Books November Court 1802
    Deed from John Flint to Elijah Bates proved by the oath of John Edgar and John Spraut & Ord to Cert.

  • Deed dated March 1, 1804
    John Flint of Livingston County to Joseph Bates of Barren County 127 1/2 acres in Barren County
    • Book AA, Page 111
      (Microfilmed deeds do not include this book and page in Salt Lake City)

Livingston County, Kentucky

  • Deed Recorded
    200 acres on Tradewater about 1 1/2 miles above the mouth of Donalston Fork

Miscelleneous Records

Green County, Kentucky

  • Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society
    Microfilm # 0,896,512 Page 204 Family History Library, Salt Lake City
    July 6th, 1795
    To the Venire, Sheriff &c for the trial of R--- C--- from Green County charged with Horse Steeling--
    Page 93a
Samuel WattJames ShieldsJoseph BrownJohn Brunt
John FlintJohn CheshamJoseph MeredithSamuel Wilson
Bryant TrentArchibald SkaggsJohn BelcherDavid Priest

Nathaniel Owens, Sheriff


William BarnetElias BarbeeJohn HallNathaniel Owen

(Witnesses & Veniremen received each 2 pounds:4:8 Sheriff 2 Pounds:13:1)

Barren County, Kentucky

  • Minute Books August Court 1799
    Ordered that John Flint be appointed Surveyor of the part of the road from the Blue Spring Grove to the Elk Lick as far as from the first dry branch from the grove to the Elk Lick in the room of Michael Campbell and that he with the hands formerlly belonging to the said Campbell do keep the same in repair.

Caldwell County, Kentucky

  • August Term 1818
    On motion of James Maxwell ordered that that John Flint be appointed Surveyor of that part of the public road leading from Princeton to Centreville beging at G Fowlers place to Wm Johnstons & that he with all the hands liveing on said Fowlers place and all the hands within two miles on each side of the said road do Keep the same in repair thirty feet wide (in room of said Maxwell resigned)
  • August Term 1819
    Ordered that James George be appointed surveyors of that part of the public road leading from Princeton to Centreville Beginning at Fowlers old place to Wm Johnstons place in said Road (in the room of John Flint resigned and that he with John Mott & hands, Moses Perkins & hands James Cook & hands on his place Jeremiah Cook, Jehu Denley James Maxwell Thos Woods

--Grandmakr 21:24, 20 January 2021 (UTC) for Caldwell County, KY

Gravestone Marker

Gravestone is made of Limestone. It reads
It's an overgrown grave, up a hill and through a red gate, on private property at 3361 Old Fredonia Rd, Caldwell County, KY.
Thank you Sherrye for sending me a copy of the picture.
Also, we give thanks to the farmer who has left the grave intact, allowed Sherrye on the property and gave her directions.

Two more WONDERFUL pictures by David C. Kellems
Front shot
Side shot

Will in Probate

I John Flint of the State of Kentucky and County of Caldwell being weak in body of sound mind and memory See cause and think fit to make this my last will and Testament and I do hereby appoint my beloved wife Elizabeth Flint and my worthy friend Lewis C K Hamilton my Executors And first of all it is my will that all my Just debts and funeral expenses be timely and punctually paid out of my personal estate before any division thereof be made Secondly I is my will that immediately after my death that all my personal estate be sold except one black mare by the name of Poe and one bay horse by the name of Fox and two pair of Grays and three ploughs and half of the sheep and all the cattle and four fifths of the hogs, these things that is excepted is to be for the use of the family, and I leave my land and all of the negros be sold except a negro boy by the name of Buck, him I give and bequeath unto my Son Jesse Cirby Flint to have and to Hold forever-as Soon as the money Can be collected for my movable estate and my debts collected I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Flint eighty dollars, and also I give unto my Elizabeth Bryant eighty dollars, and also give unto my daughter Deborah eighty dollars and I also give unto my daughter Margaret eighty dollars. After those children gets eighty dollars each the ballance to equally divided between seven children as follows to wit Thomas Flint and Elizabeth and Dobby Margaret and Hannah William and John Flint, and ten years after my death as soon as the other Sale money for my negroes and land can be collected I give and bequeath unto three other children one by the name of Vicey one by the name of Teresy and one by and one by the name of Eliza and my beloved wife Elizabeth Flint is to have as much of this money each as each of the former children get then the ballance to be equally divided between the first seven mentioned and the last four-Signed with my hand and sealed with my seal this twentieth day of September one thousand eight hundred and nineteen.
John (X-his mark) Flint
Witness: Mercer Wadlington, Notley Gore

Caldwell County Sc? November County Court 1819-The within last will and testament of John Flint Decd was this day produced in open Court and proven by the oaths of Mercer Wadlington & Notley Gore two subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded

In testimony that I have recorded the Same and this Certificate as Clear of Said Court I hereunto set my hand this 23d day of November 1819. Jn H Phelps


  • Lewis C.K. Hamilton was his step-son
  • June 5, 1826 Adams County, Illinois
    Lewis C. R. Hamilton appeared in open court, and entered as a matter of record, the emancipation of a certain negro boy named Buck, born the 16th day of December, 1817,--and entered into bond for his maintenance as the law requires.

--Grandmakr 01:01, 19 August 2006 (MDT)

Legible Inventory Paper in the Probate

Recd of Lewis C K Hamilton and Elisabeth Flint executors of John Flint decd the following prop and papers Viz one negro man calld Sam appraisd to____________________________$550
One negro boy calld Terry appraisd to________________________$350
One negro girl calld esty - --do----to _______________________ $250
One -do---do-calld Estyss--do----to_________________________$225
One note of Wm Danks & M P Bowyer is Sixty____________________$25
- do-do M.P. Bowyer & Wm McCarty___________________________$35
-do- M P D???? for a cow & calf ______________________________$10
-do-Notley Gore & Mastin Gore_________________________________$7.50
Wm Lander recpt. for Robt Woods & M ? Rucker note____________$105
which paid notes and property we received as admr to the above named John Flint decd the said (blurred) having removd from the state given under


More notes coming at a later time

  • 26 July 1819

For value received I promise to pay Wm Halloway forty dollars and Twenty five cents ... Witness my hand and seal Lewis C K Hamilton

Received September 1820 for the amount of the Within note by the hand of Lewis C K Hamilton & Elizabeth Flint Executers of John Flint Decd Richd W Nowler attorney in fact John ?Dunby

  • $5

Three months after date I promise to pay Will Lander the sum of five dollars this 11 day of May 1821 Lewis C. K. Hamilton Under this is a faded and blotchy note that appears to be a note from Will Lander the debt was paid.

  • $10

I Louis C. K. Hamilton Executer of the estate of John Flint deceased promise to pay Will Lander the sum of ten dollars for bringing two suits in the Caldwell circuit court given under my and and seal this 18th day of July 1821 Lewis C. K. Hamilton

  • 7 Jan 1822

Deborah Flint, who marked-not signed, received of the Executors of John Flint dec in full of the first division being Eighty dollars.

  • 25 Sept 1822

I John Flint have received in full of the executors of John Flint deceased twenty five dollars it being in full of the second division ?????? in his last will and testament I say received by me John (X-his mark) FLINT

  • 25 Sept 1822

Elizabeth Bryant, who signed, received from the executors the full amount of the first division of her money from the estate of John Flint deceased by the hand of John Flint Junior, mark-not signed

  • 11 Jan 1823-two notes dated this day

Thomas Flint, who marked-not signed, received from L.C.K Hamilton and Elizabeth Flint, exers his full amount of the first division- Five dollars and twenty-five dollars.

  • 11 Mar 1823

For $26 Thomas Flint sold, bargained, transfered and conveyed his interest in and to the estate of his said father to James George.

  • 27 Aug 1824 Hamilton County, Illinois

A lengthy letter by John Flint, the son of John Flint deceased, appointed his "friend" William Flint, of the same place, as his attorney to collect all debts, dues and demands that is comeing to him. John then assigns the benefit of such funds to William (who is his brother).

  • 29 Nov 1824 Pike County Ill State

John Thomas, who signed, received from E. Flint and L.C.K Hamilton exers of John Flint Decd twenty dollars as an heir in law

  • Caldwell County

Personally came before me Samuel Glenn a Justice of the peace for this County aforesaid (a few words too light to read) after being duly sworn do with and saith that he received the amount of a note payable by John Flint (now decd) to Elijah Bennett From Lewis K. Hamilton, one of the administrators of said decedant for the Benefit of said Elijah Bennett and further saith that the amount of said note was ???? in $25 and 35$ and further this Dep..ent saith not Given under my hand thiz 28th day of Dec 1824 - name not legible

  • 10 Jany 1825-recorded at courthouse W W Phelps

Recd of Lewis C. K. Hamilton and Elisabeth Flint former Execs of John Flint decd A copy of four Judgments on John Bearden of thirty nine dollars each and one for fifty dollars and having a credit on the same of One Hundred and Twenty dollars leaving a Balance of eighty Eight dollars due, which Wm Hamilton Says was given in to appraisers at fifty dollars which Sum he is entitled to a credit for with the commissioners. James Horse

  • 20 Oct 1829 Adams County, Illinois

Terricy Flint appoints Lewis C.K. Hamilton as her attorney to collect what is due her from her fathers estate. The executors are James (my copy is missing the surname) and William Phelps.


  • #1
    This hypothesis has been solved. In providing data from the probate file online, one paper had a Test date of 17 October 1817 (that document would be part of the other John Flint's probate). He signed his name. The John Flint who married Nancy Anderson marked with an X. The John Flint on this page marked his will with an X.

John married

  1. Unknown - I've DNA tested with Family Tree DNA and my raw data has been uploaded to
    Migration pattern of a couple surnames is encouraging
  2. Nancy (Unknown) ANDERSON in Livingston County, Kentucky
  3. Elizabeth (HUBBARD) THOMAS-HAMILTON in Caldwell County, Kentucky.
    See Kentucky marriages
  • #2
    19 January 2021 The following hypothesis is correct. In addition, DNA results are showing Hannah is related to another family who came on the same ship.

Since this John Flint's youngest son Jesse lists on the 1880 census that his father was born in Ireland, I believe this John Flint is the 6 year old child that arrived in Charleston, South Carolina in 1768 with Hannah Flint 33 and Elizabeth Flint 13. The ship's passengers were poor Irish Protestants who sailed from Londonderry.

  • #3
    I believe John's daughter Margaret is the Margaret FLINT who married John SEEBOLT 7 November 1822 in Gallatin County, Illinois. The Margaret (FLINT) SEEBOLT in Gallatin County, Illinois IS the great-grandmother of Lawrence Winchester Wetherby who served as the Governor of Kentucky 1950-1955. The one argument historians may have is that Margaret may be related to Samuel FLINT, who was born 14 September 1791 in Amherst, Hillsborouth County, New Hampshire; served in the War of 1812 from Oneida County, New York; was married 3 February 1820 to Rebecca HALL in Gallatin County, Illinois; lived in Greene, Washington and Franklin Counties, Illinois and died 24 August 1849 in Franklin County. Samuel's descendant who has researched his family lists Samuel as two years old when his widowed mother moved to live with/near her brother in New York.

--Grandmakr 01:01, 19 August 2006 (MDT)


Proof of my hypothesis

  • #2
    One possible clue-Notley Gore is listed as a witness to the Will and in the settlement papers of John Flint's probate. Notley married Mary FLINT in South Carolina.
    --Grandmakr 00:35, 19 August 2006 (MDT)
  • The host of the Caldwell County, Kentucky cemetery project found this John FLINT listed in the DAR database. The applicant, who was accepted, has him enlisting in "Craven Co. probably South Carolina". I made contact with the submitter whom stated they have stories passed down through the family that are conclusive that John FLINT who died in Caldwell County, Kentucky was the same as the Revolutionary War soldier from South Carolina.

    "Roster of South Carolina Patriots in the American Revolution"
    975.7 M2m Copy 2 Family History Library, Salt Lake City
    Flint, John
    He served in the Second Dragons under Capt. Isaac Ross, Col. Charles Myddleton and Gen. Sumter during 1781.
    Salley, Doc, p. 83;
    C.S.; A.A.2433A; M399an.

    In April 1781 Gen. Sumter's troops were in the Camden District. This is where Hannah FLINT owned land prior to the war.

    Accounts audited of claims growing out of the Revolution in South Carolina
    Film # 2,410,041 Family History Library, Salt Lake City
    ???? is to Certify that John Flint has sould (sic) to Mr. James Conner his Draw of a negro for ten months sarvis (sic) for value Received by him this 31st of December 1781
    John (his X mark) Flint
    Thos Jackson Witting (it appears part of the surname was cut off when originally microfilmed, probably Wittington)

    I do hereby Autherize (sic) James Conner to receive my Draw of a Negro on Bounty in Col Mideltons regt & Capt Rogers Troop Which I am Entitled to also my discharge to sd Conner given from under my Hand this ?8th day of April 1782
    John (his X mark) Flint
    There is some writing on the lower left part of the paper that is missing the majority of the letters on the microfilmed copy.--Grandmakr 02:53, 11 April 2009 (EDT)