User talk:Holyhabanero


gleed.ged Imported Successfully

The pages from your GEDCOM, "gleed.ged" have been generated successfully. You may view them by launching the family tree explorer and opening the family tree into which this GEDCOM was imported.

-WeRelate agent 10:01, 2 April 2007 (MDT)

hassell.ged is being held for review

The pages from "hassell.ged" have not yet been generated because they appear to match pages from a GEDCOM you have previously imported to WeRelate. Please be patient while we take a look at your GEDCOM. If it turns out that the people in hassell.ged don't really overlap people you have imported previously, your pages will be generated right after the review, which should happen tomorrow (or Monday if tomorrow falls on a weekend).

If you have already imported a GEDCOM containing people in hassell.ged, you have two options:

  1. Open the tree containing the information from the previous GEDCOM using Family Tree Explorer and delete the tree, then create a new tree and re-import this GEDCOM, or
  2. If the two GEDCOMs don't overlap that much, leave a message for Npowell. We'll go ahead with the import, after which you'll want to merge the overlapping people by hand.
-WeRelate agent 15:54, 10 April 2007 (MDT)

tietjen.ged is being held for review

The pages from "tietjen.ged" have not yet been generated because they appear to match pages from a GEDCOM you have previously imported to WeRelate. Please be patient while we take a look at your GEDCOM. If it turns out that the people in tietjen.ged don't really overlap people you have imported previously, your pages will be generated right after the review, which should happen tomorrow (or Monday if tomorrow falls on a weekend).

If you have already imported a GEDCOM containing people in tietjen.ged, you have two options:

  1. Open the tree containing the information from the previous GEDCOM using Family Tree Explorer and delete the tree, then create a new tree and re-import this GEDCOM, or
  2. If the two GEDCOMs don't overlap that much, leave a message for Npowell. We'll go ahead with the import, after which you'll want to merge the overlapping people by hand.
-WeRelate agent 15:55, 10 April 2007 (MDT)

gleed.ged Imported Successfully

The pages from your GEDCOM, "gleed.ged" have been generated successfully. You may view them by launching the Family Tree Explorer and opening the family tree into which this GEDCOM was imported.

-WeRelate agent 16:06, 10 April 2007 (MDT)

sasser.ged is being held for review

The pages from "sasser.ged" have not yet been generated because they appear to match pages from a GEDCOM you have previously imported to WeRelate. Please be patient while we take a look at your GEDCOM. If it turns out that the people in sasser.ged don't really overlap people you have imported previously, your pages will be generated right after the review, which should happen tomorrow (or Monday if tomorrow falls on a weekend).

If you have already imported a GEDCOM containing people in sasser.ged, you have two options:

  1. Open the tree containing the information from the previous GEDCOM using Family Tree Explorer and delete the tree, then create a new tree and re-import this GEDCOM, or
  2. If the two GEDCOMs don't overlap that much, leave a message for Npowell. We'll go ahead with the import, after which you'll want to merge the overlapping people by hand.
-WeRelate agent 16:06, 10 April 2007 (MDT)

hassell.ged Imported Successfully

The pages from your GEDCOM, "hassell.ged" have been generated successfully. You may view them by launching the Family Tree Explorer and opening the family tree into which this GEDCOM was imported.

-WeRelate agent 17:32, 10 April 2007 (MDT)

tietjen.ged Imported Successfully

The pages from your GEDCOM, "tietjen.ged" have been generated successfully. You may view them by launching the Family Tree Explorer and opening the family tree into which this GEDCOM was imported.

-WeRelate agent 17:34, 10 April 2007 (MDT)

sasser.ged Imported Successfully

The pages from your GEDCOM, "sasser.ged" have been generated successfully. You may view them by launching the Family Tree Explorer and opening the family tree into which this GEDCOM was imported.

-WeRelate agent 17:37, 10 April 2007 (MDT)

Malcolm Drummond (3) [28 February 2009]

Hi there! I'm Guy (Aabh), I've been working on getting all of our Malcom's in order here and now I have a problem; is a complete mess... actually, HE isn't the mess, his parents are (One of our records says his mother is "John"... Yeah, it's messy :D). I've been trying to clear this up for a while but I'd like to alert you all that I'm working in here. And ask for help if you want to offer it! :) I just don't want to go about trimming trees and the like without telling you all that I'm doing it! :D I'm hoping that people will look into their family trees and help find any data we can on him! :D If you want to help, and you have data that can help out, please post it in the fella's talk page at And we'll get to work on him! :)


Aabh 21:40, 27 February 2009 (EST) (Guy Davis)