User talk:Jrm03063/Wikimedia Alignment Project

Good work [30 May 2017]

I am impressed with your progress. Very well done! Thank you for sticking with this. --cos1776 02:08, 31 May 2017 (UTC)

Thanks for saying so - I hope it's leading somewhere... :) !
One of the things that I'll be able to do pretty quick, will be to come up with some reports for the WR Person pages that have a Wikidata tag. For example:
* Pages that contain a conventional English WP inclusion
* Pages that contain an unusual WP inclusion
* Pages where the WP inclusion name is consistent with the current English WP page
* Pages where the WP inclusion name isn't consistent with the current English WP page
* Pages where a WP inclusion is present, but the Wikidata ID doesn't presently indicate an English WP page (WP page deleted)
* Pages that don't contain an English WP inclusion - even though Wikidata indicates that an English WP page is present
* Pages that have a Wikidata ID but no associated English WP page
Please advise if something from the above list would be helpful in the near term...
--jrm03063 20:28, 31 May 2017 (UTC) issues [6 June 2021]

a) script requires 'wikidataList' folder; but if not present, crashes rather than create it.
b) after processing 4293 persons in about 30 minutes; it crashes...
I/O error on getPage(Princesa_Anhalt_(1)) read - 10 retries
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'has_key'
I/O error on getPage(Philip_Mountbatten_(1)) read - 10 retries
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'has_key' 00:54, 6 June 2021 (UTC)