User talk:Xena5011


xena5011.ged Imported Successfully [11 October 2008]

The pages from your GEDCOM have been generated successfully. You may view them by launching the Family Tree Explorer and opening the family tree into which this GEDCOM was imported.

For questions or problems, leave a message for Dallan or send an email to

--WeRelate agent 10:30, 11 October 2008 (EDT)


Welcome to WeRelate, your virtual genealogical community. We're glad you have joined us. At WeRelate you can easily create ancestor web pages, connect with cousins and other genealogists, and find new information. To get started:

  1. Take the WeRelate tour to see what you can do.
  2. Review the tutorials to learn how to make wiki pages for your ancestors.
  3. Read the etiquette page to learn expected behavior in a wiki.

If you need any help, I will be glad to answer your questions. Just click on my signature link below and then click on the “Leave a message” link under my name in the upper left corner of my profile page. Thanks for participating and see you around!--Jstump 16:44, 11 October 2008 (EDT)

xena5011.ged Imported Successfully [20 October 2008]

The pages from your GEDCOM have been generated successfully. You may view them by launching the Family Tree Explorer and opening the family tree into which this GEDCOM was imported.

For questions or problems, leave a message for Dallan or send an email to

--WeRelate agent 18:45, 20 October 2008 (EDT)

Hammerback and Tyberg [14 October 2013]

Hi, Xena,

Sorry, I'm not related to the Hammerbacks and Tybergs. I act as a volunteer at WeRelate to look for and merge duplicate pages, and that is why I merged your pages. You probably had the information entered twice in your gedcom when you uploaded it, so it created two separate pages. Now all of your information is on one page. --GayelKnott 15:29, 14 October 2013 (UTC)

I was assuming that but wanted to be sure. thank you.--Xena5011 18:07, 14 October 2013 (UTC)