WeRelate:Suggestions/Browse feature on Person/Family pages needs update to allow for place redirects

We have the situation where the format for many old Place links was inconsistent with our current formatting for Place titles. Many of these incorrect Place page titles have been redirected to the correct title, either on a mass-scale during the Place renaming that took place in the 2007-2010 timeframe or as an on-going maintenance task over the years as the links are discovered.

Redirecting Place titles could be a good solution if the text that is already there is informative enough, but for us there is an unintended consequence in that the Surname in Place Browse feature in the left menu on each Person and Family page becomes temporarily ineffective until the text in the Place field is actually changed. As I understand it, this will occur the next time the page is edited. The problem is that some of these pages are not active and may not be edited for years.

As it is right now, that search feature is pre-set to capture the new (correct) Place title (from the redirect) and is set to "Exact matches only", so it will not return any pages on which the Place field has not been updated.

I would like to request that the pre-set parameters on the Browse feature be revised to allow for the capture of pages whose Place links have been redirected, but whose Place fields have not yet been updated.

Thanks, --cos1776 14:53, 28 May 2017 (UTC)

Note: request slightly modified. --cos1776 20:40, 29 June 2017 (UTC)

- - - - I agree that when a page is really obsolete, after discussion (talk) it should be an option to delete such page. Thanks, Ron. woepwoep 04:22, 29 September 2020 (UTC)