Will Index for Southwest Virginia, 1777-1791



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Original Source:Will Book 1, Washington County, VA, 1777 to 1791
Intermediate Source:Source:Summers, 1929:1342-1348


The following lists the wills in Book 1, in the order presented by Summers, 1929.

Will DateProbate DatePersonMost likely Person Article
1777 1778 Margaret CampbellPerson:Margaret Buchanan (43)***
1778 1778 David Edwards
1778 1778 Robert Gillespy
1779 1780 James Coil
1778 1778 George Blackburn
1778 1778 Benjamin Gray
1779 David Roberts
1780 1789 William Campbellperson:William Campbell (85)**
1778 1779 Thomas Hadden
1777 1777 Thomas Jones
1779 1780 Robert Edmondsonperson:Robert Edmondson (5)
1781 1781 William White
_____ 1778 John Walkerperson:John Walker (81)
1781 1781 William Berry
1780 1780 Samuel Bell
_____ _____ William Dorton
1780 1780 James Watson
1780 1780 James Laird
1780 1782 Benjamin Estill
1781 _____ Susanna CarterPerson:Susannah Carter (2)
1778 1779 Frederick StarnsPerson:Frederick Starnes (2)
_____ 1778 Samuel VancePerson:Samuel Vance (2)
1782 _____ William Green
1783 1783 James Mobley
1779 1780 Thomas Rafferty
1783 _____ Matthew Elder
_____ 1784 Humbertson Lyon
1780 1780 Lilly Bowen
1776* 1772 Wm Todd Livingston
1780 1780 Hugh Cole
1776 _____ William Cole
1779 1779 David Kinkead
1782 1782 Arthur Blackburn
1780 1780 Thomas McCullough
1774 _____ Samuel BuchananPerson:Samuel Buchanan (15)
1783 1783 Moses Trimble
1784 1785 Lewis Greenperson:Lewis Green (8)
1780 1785 David Darnell
1785 _____ Jacob Anderson
1784 1784 William Lewis
1785 _____ Joseph Cole
1784 1785 Alexander Smith
1786 1786 Samuel Henry
_____ 1786 Conrod Hinnegar
1780 1786 John Cope
1780 1786 John Berry
1786 1787 William Hilliard
1788* 1782 William Campbellperson:William Campbell (85)**
_____ 1787 Edward Jamison
_____ 1788 Robert Faires
1785 1788 Patrick Watson
1788 1789 William Edmiston
1789 1790 John Woods
1790 1790 John Beatie
1783 1791 David Campbell
1789 1791 Francis Beattie
1791 1791 James Glenn
1787 1791 Robert Logan

* Note that the date the will written was after the probate date. This presumably reflects a transcription error on the part of either Summers, 1929, or possibly a recordation error on the part of the original recordist. **Duplicate entry. Same persons, but different dates ***For women, the name in the will is probably the married name. The link to the most likely person article would be under the maiden name, if known.


The listing of the wills in Will Book 1 are only approximately chronological. Presumably they were entered on or around the probate date. Nonetheless, the wills are not in strict chronological order. For example, the fifth entry in Summers listing is for George Blackburn (Page 13 of the original Will Book), whose will was probated August 18, 1778. It follows the entry for James Coil (page 11 of the Will Book) whose will was probated August 15, 1780.

Currently, the tabulation only provides the year the will was written, and the year of probate. Eventually, day and month will be added.

Note that the will for William Campbell, husband of Elizabeth, has been entered twice in the record, once on page 125. Summers abstract for both entries is identical, except that the date of the will and probate differ. Campbell is an historical figure, of considerable significance in the Revolution, who died away from home during the Yorktown campaign. He possessed considerable wealth, and the duplicate entries may reflect something related to the settlement of his estate.