Help:Pedigree charts


Frequently asked questions

What is a pedigree chart?

A pedigree chart is a diagram of the ancestry of an individual. WeRelate automatically generates pedigree charts for any person or family that is entered on a WeRelate person or family page.

How are pedigree charts generated?

The system uses the information you enter on related person and family pages to generate the pedigree chart. For the person's ancestry to be properly displayed, you must correctly link person pages together through family pages.

Where do I find pedigree charts?

On any person or family page, click on the Pedi-Map link at the top of the page and a new page will open showing the pedigree chart and pedi-map for that individual or family.

Can I edit a pedigree chart for one of my ancestors?

Not directly. To "edit" a pedigree chart, you must edit the associated person and family pages. The pedigree chart will be automatically updated to include new person and family information.

Who is included on a pedigree chart?

The exact answer depends on the ancestors for whom you have created person and family pages; but if you open a pedigree chart for a person, you will usually find the person and as many as three additional ancestral generations listed. To the left of the pedigree chart, you will see a box, in which you will find information for the person's spouse and children. If you open the pedigree chart for a family, you will see about three generations of ancestors on the line of each spouse, along with a list of children in the box to the left.

Can I expand my pedigree chart to view more generations?

If you have entered information for additional generations on WeRelate, you will see blue arrows (<, >) on either the left or right side of the screen, or both, next to the boxes of persons represented on the chart. Clicking on these arrows opens a pedigree chart with that individual as the root. Clicking on a blue name will take you to the associated person page.

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