Person:Aaron Elliott (1)

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Aaron Lemuel Elliott
b.Abt 1816
d.Bef 1840
m. 15 May 1815
  1. Aaron Lemuel ElliottAbt 1816 - Bef 1840
  2. Kesiah ElliottAbt 1818 - Abt 1848
  3. Lydia ElliottAbt 1820 - 1853
  4. Francis Elliott1822 - 1902
Facts and Events
Name[1] Aaron Lemuel Elliott
Alt Name Aaron Samuel Elliott
Alt Name Lemuel Elliott
Gender Male
Birth? Abt 1816
Death? Bef 1840
Probate[2][4] 15 Jun 1840 Ind.,
Probate[3][5] 8 May 1848 Ind.,
  1. Wayne County, Indiana Probate Records
    Probate Record B (1830-1838), p. 260 (Feb Term 1836).
  2. Wayne County, Indiana Probate Records
    Probate Book 1818-1847, pg. 89.
  3. Wayne County, Indiana Probate Records
    Order Book D, pg. 620.
  4. Aaron L. Elliott, decedent. Administration granted to Larkin Thornburgh, 15 Jun 1840. Settlement May Term 1848.
  5. Estate of Aaron S. Elliott
    Larkin Thornburg administrator of the estate of Aaron S. Elliott deceased comes and on settlement files files his account current in these words to wit: (here insert) [sic]
    And the said administrator by said account current stands charged with the sum of $537.57 and is credited with vouchers filed and ordered by the Court to be passed[?] to his credit amounting to $ 183.19 leaving a balance of 354.38 yet due said estate.