
My Trees
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My name is Rhonda Schaefer and I am researching the recently combined family trees of myself (my maiden name is Howard), and my husband, Scott Schaefer. We began working together researching our ancestry shortly after we married in April 2009. Unexpectedly, this research has been a great deal of fun, in addition to being quite rewarding. In researching the Howard Family, we have found the family is deeply rooted in British royalty, as one of my ancestors was John Howard, First Duke of Norfolk and have found that I am a direct descendant of Lady Godiva, among other notable historic figures.

Thus, we press on with the work, researching the respective genealogy of the following families, with a very brief abstract of each below.

  • Howard
  • Klinksieck
  • Schaefer
  • Schenk

Howard Family

Researching the Howard Family, my maiden name, has proven to be far more fascinating than I would have imagined. Records for both branches of my father's family, Howard and his mother's family Hampton are plentiful.

Klinksieck Family

Klinksieck, my husband's mother's maiden name, is proving to be challenging. Although we have just recently begun to research the Klinksieck Family it is apparent that research material is scant.

Schaefer Family

Following the geneology of Schaefer, my husband's surname, has provided mixed results; some days being much better than others. The Schaefer Family is from Queens, New York.

Schenk Family

Most challenging of all has been Schenk, my mother's family. My mother was born in Offenbach am Main, Germany in 1933. I have not yet gotten any further back than her father, Johan Schenk who was born in the early 1900s in Germany. The international borders, language barrier and two world wars are all significant obstacles to researching the Schenk Family.