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[add comment] [edit] WelcomeWelcome to WeRelate, your virtual genealogical community. We're glad you have joined us. At WeRelate you can easily create ancestor web pages, connect with cousins and other genealogists, and find new information. To get started:
If you need any help, I will be glad to answer your questions. Just click on my signature link below and then click on the “Leave a message” link under my name in the upper left corner of my profile page. Thanks for participating and see you around!--Beth 17:06, 3 April 2008 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] [3 December 2010]I'm ashamed to admit, that I often start with information that comes from source I don't particularly trust. Or at least, sources that can't be reviewed (one-world tree, etc.). When I go through and tidy up such pages, I jettison such useless stuff so there will be no pretext that I know anything with any certainty. If you have sources that tell a different story than the one that appears there, you should absolutely feel free to indicate them, quote them as appropriate, change the page generally, etc.--Jrm03063 00:09, 7 September 2008 (EDT) I'm sorry, I posted the wrong source! I got the Micah Palmer date from But obviously it doesn't make sense with the stuff that you posted - I'm still figuring out how to do this. Sorry!!--Klingonpixie 10:46, 3 December 2010 (EST) [add comment] [edit] General Talk Comment & Hannah Bangs Response to Comment
Merging/removal of duplicates is important. And diversity of interests is what makes a collaborative effort like WeRelate potentially valuable. My remark in this regard was hasty. But bad data is like a spinning road sign: many people will waste time going down the wrong road a la Elizabeth Kendall, previously mentioned. Hence, my obsession with sources. I believe everybody can be in possession of the right answer, but in collaboration you have to be willing to prove it to others who may not have access to the same sources, or be emotionally vested in other answers, or just not sensitive to the complexities of some cases. Assertion is not proof. If you are inputting data with no sources, or based on websites that have no sources, then you are merely asserting your answer, as if your word should be all the proof needed. There are already plenty of websites that do that. There are already mechanisms for searching through ancestral files and OneWorldTree, etc. What is needed to go beyond this is a place to collect source citations and have discussions leading to a concensus on the most likely answer. I have no problem with "wrong" data, if justification is given. Perhaps it shows that I need to find more evidence for my "right" data. Perhaps I have overlooked something. Perhaps those that say Thomas Skillin was born 1624 in Topsfield, MA actually mean Topsfield, England and there is evidence to support this? Then I want to find out because my data is wrong. Tracing immigrants across the pond is where most errors occur and hence documentation is needed the most. --Jrich 10:13, 10 September 2008 (EDT) Bad data that continually re-surfaces is a real problem. I try to deal with it by treating it as "real" data, that should be explicitly acknowledged and then refuted (ideally with a concrete source). My practice has been to put a section at the end of the narrative body called "Disputed Lineages" where I describe the problem/discrepancy/known error, the pages that were incorrectly connected, etc. To my mind, improving our data base is a bit of a two-step. Of course I don't want to proliferate bad data, but I'm generally not loading new stuff. I approach the merge from the point of view that someone somewhere thinks that what I see in front of me is right. I try then to move werelate in the direction of representing the same thing but without the duplicates. The next step, which I sometimes get into if there are mutually exclusive facts (simultaneous marriages for example), is to start piling up the source material proof. In a perfect world, folks wouldn't upload unsourced information. But we're awash in such pages. If I can at least boil that down to a set that is closer to the unique set, then added sources will be that much more beneficial.--Jrm03063 10:36, 10 September 2008 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] James Pierce / Elizabeth Parker [21 November 2008]Removed the "unknown" marriage. Cleaned up the meaningless citations. I uploaded an unchecked gedcom before I knew more about this wiki collaboration concept. Cleaning as I go. The dilemma was whether to take it all down again or fix it as I go. Also a new upload would create hundreds of duplicates again.--Tylercolbyhill 12:13, 21 November 2008 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Wheeler Error [2 December 2008]I appologize, I am new to this, and didn't see the comment. If I can help on the cleanup, please let me know. Andy--Awputnam 11:59, 2 December 2008 (EST) [add comment] [edit] General & Hannah Bangs [3 December 2008]In general, I agree with your comments toward maintaining data integrity in genealogy. However, without those mythological family recollections which have no documentation, the largest percentage of genealogical research and subsequent finding of data would never have taken place. There is a balance, and both are useful in their own way. For many of us who have become gatherers first, and source documenters second, it would be nice if there were an easy way to annotate to indicate such anomalies in one's database on a person by person basis (prior to any clean-up which may or may not ever take place), considering that such is a thousands of persons task. If one takes the hard-line genealogists' view only, that would indicate that people who do not or cannot follow such strict (and necessary) procedures should not participate, and I find that is not the case. Most people today, who are involved in genealogy (although the term itself might not accurately fit) are not deeply involved in those details...although that is changing to some degree. Second topic: I am responding to your comments regarding Hannah Bangs, Edward, the Mayflower vs. the Ann, etc. My comment about Kay Blair may be incorrect due to memory issues of my own. Or, it may be a position that she and the DFA have changed based on better research. She is the main contact person for the Doane Family Association (DFA), and I see that you quote their position on it. So either I got it wrong way back or they changed it in their files. Either way, thanks for pointing it out. I've emailed back and forth to her a few times, both long ago and more or less recently. She is very helpful, and would only support good information to the best of her ability. --Dougcouch 16:18, 2 December 2008 (EST) There is no crime in making mistakes, all the good genealogist have, and any honest person will admit to several, but the stakes get considerably more serious when you post it in a public place. The only good defense is to cite a source of some authority. Besides hiding behind the authority of your source, you also allow others to refute the fact if wrong. Family tradition and all that are no longer accepted as genealogical proof. The position that Edward Bangs was on the Ann seems pretty unanimous in my sources, and it is not new, as for example, the History of Eastham, etc., book that I cited was published in 1844. --Jrich 16:53, 2 December 2008 (EST) I suppose I'm riding the horse not favored to "win" (haha). Still, the author(s) of History of Eastham, and other similar works of the era, were based got tradition and recollection...their often being written long after those they wrote about had passed on. Genealogists have indeed improved methodology, and agreed upon better criteria for determining facts to be accepted officially. But the data they start with, is not documented before the fact of research, and often enough, research did not go forward on the "needle in the haystack" premise that with a world full of possible locations where someone could have been born, married, died, etc., they would just start anywhere. They had family traditions and recollections to give them one or several starting places to prove or disprove by documentation...if and only if such documentation was available anywhere at all. If it was not, this does not discount the family tradition and recollection. If the documentation was found, it still does not discount the other, because documents are FREQUENTLY inaccurate or entirely wrong in one or more points. Again, thanks for your efforts toward correcting those errors inevitable in the data to the extent helps a lot! --Dougcouch 19:33, 2 December 2008 (EST) I believe you under-estimating the amount of work those historians/genealogists undertook if you think significant amounts of their work rested on tradition. Many of them poured over town records, deeds and other sources. Family tradition is only good when you have no documented proof and then you should pursue some form of confirmation of it. Now as we are 100, 150 years later than those works, family tradition is even less reliable, having had to undergo even more tellings... Not underestimating at all. Just because they did that, does not discount the value of tradition. I never suggested that such tradition was accurate. I also am not suggesting that laboriously studied out and documented records of alleged fact are necessarily accurate...just more often more accurate. And you still get thanks for the work you do. And so do the countless millions of families who kept records of their own...which sometimes are more accurate than town, city, county, state and country records. --Dougcouch 23:58, 2 December 2008 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Margaret whoever... [31 December 2008]I figured that there was some certainty that there was a Margaret that was the spouse of that marriage. Whether she was Weeks or someone else is unknown. I don't think there were three such people however...--Jrm03063 15:03, 14 December 2008 (EST) Don't you think it would be better to have a Family page for Gabriel Wheldon and Margaret Unknown, with one wife named Margaret Matthews and an alt. wife named Margaret Diguina? While the wife is Margaret, people may collect information about the two Margarets on each one's page, which is obviously unique to that Margaret, such as parents and place of origin, and when one is known, just remove the other from the Family page and rename it. (Sorry about my earlier use of the name Margaret Weeks - shows what happens when you use unknown work without checking - her name would be Matthews if sister to Marmaduke Matthews (see History of Malden, p. 158.) As it stands now, it says Gabriel Whelden and Margaret Diguina. As I find this scenario basically no more than family tradition, at best, I am not comfortable leaving it so. On the other hand to choose just Gabriel Whelden and Margaret Matthews might annoy some who feel the other story deserves representation until disproven. Either way will mean new people searching for the missing choice will find nothing and end up creating the duplicate again. --Jrich 17:32, 14 December 2008 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Nathaniel Moore and Sarah Jackson response [21 February 2011]Thanks for bring this up. I'll have to look into it. But not sure if much can be found. I'm a bit disappointed in R. G. Clarke's site. When I first started checking it, he was posting just information he found in NYGBS "The Record" so I felt comfortable using it. But it seems to be different now than it was. He uses an old DOS program and it always has been difficult to follow. I really haven't studied the Moore family. More 'stuff' for the gonna-do list! Until I get to it, perhaps I'll put your comments on the Conflicting Data Page and/or in Nathaniel's Notes. Hope that's OK with you. Thanks again. --Janiejac 19:40, 30 January 2009 (EST) ---I've checked into this some more and decided you were right. So I've changed my data base now, uploaded again and noted the correction on my Additions and Changes page. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.--Janiejac 18:07, 6 February 2009 (EST) ---Hi again. Suffolk County! I don't have access to that article either, but did use the info from an earlier study on the Moore's. This is what I put in my Notes after your query: I, Janie, have studied the Southold Index of 1698, Bunker's page 250 about the Moores, and the article published in "The Record" Vol 15, April 1884, pgs 59 & 60 and have come to see that Jrich was correct. So the source references to the Jacob Milton Bergen book have been removed for this particular reference. Now if there is a later article about the Moores, it would be good to see. Would it be possible for your library to get the publication via inter-library loan? oh, probably not; I don't think they loan genealogy material. So what to do? Which to believe? Do you have access to 'The Record' that I referenced above? That told me more than the other sources and specifically said Nathaniel, s/o Thomas & Martha Youngs m Sarah Vail and that his nephew, Nathaniel, s/o Thomas and 'probably Elizabeth Mott', married Sarah Jackson. Nothing was said about Sarah's birthdate so I removed the date I had. Pls let me know if you learn anything further. --Janiejac 22:00, 7 February 2009 (EST) PERSI gives following:
If I can't find it at my library, I think I can order copies through PERSI. But it takes 6-8 weeks plus it will be some time before I have time to check out the library. --Jrich 22:38, 7 February 2009 (EST) Thanks so much. I'll check to see if the State Library here (Tallahassee, FL) has these records. I guess in the meantime, I'll leave the data base as is. Genealogy = determination and dogged persistence! --Janiejac 23:09, 7 February 2009 (EST) Sorry to dribble and drabble. Just passing on what I find. Source:Ancestors of James Wickham and his wife Cora Prudence Billard, which I found on, p. 74, says that Ann Hampton, the wife of Benjamin Moore, who was the brother of the older Nathaniel, m. (2) 1691 to "Jeremiah Vail, widower", and as a result Jeremiah Vail was awarded administration on Benjamin Moore's estate. If confirmed, this scenario might explain the brother-in-law reference in the older Nathaniel's 1698 will without requiring that he married Sarah Vail. [The genealogy Source:The ancestry and allied families of Nathan Blake 3rd and Susan (Torrey) Blake : early residents of East Corinth, Vermont adds a wrinkle saying that in a deed dated 25 Jan 1691/2 Thomas Moore calls Jeremiah Vale a son-in-law. This relationship is harder to justify than Nathaniel being a brother-in-law because Sarah Vale as Nathaniel's wife wouldn't account for this. There is the additional possibility that Jeremiah's unknown first wife was a Moore. (P.S. In trying to recheck this, I cannot find it using my own citation above, but it is mentioned in Source:Source:Vail, Henry Hobart. Genealogy of Some of the Vail Family Descended from Jeremiah Vail at Salem, Mass., 1639, p. 31. Perhaps I accidentally listed the wrong source.)] Ironically, since it seems to refute the evidence I know of supporting Sarah Vail as Nathaniel's wife, this source also says the older Nathaniel married Sarah Vail [as does the Blake genealogy]. It says she was baptized in Salem 21 Mar 1647/8, which would be an appropriate age for the older Nathaniel bp. 1642. The Jeremiah Vail referenced must be Sarah's brother bp. 1649 in Salem, her father having died. I found the baptisms referred to in the Vital Records of Salem. The Southold Index does not mention Jeremiah Vail having a second wife, only that his will mentions a wife Anna (the above source left the first wife nameless), and though it suggests Benjamin Moore died before 1691 since he was not named in his father's will, it does not identify his wife, nor say anything about a second marriage for her, nor have any particulars about the handling of his estate. Although the articles on the Moores of Southold referenced earlier are probably of interest to me, it appears that the article I should have cited in regards to the Sarah Vail/Sarah Jackson issue is from Suffolk County Historical Society Register, titled "Historical Address of Charles B. Moore..." in Vol. 9 (1984), p. 104. This is good news for me, as I believe this volume of the register is one listed in the catalogue entry of my favorite library. As soon as I can get back down there... --Jrich 12:03, 8 February 2009 (EST) As I suspected, my local genealogy library (Cole Library in Carlsbad, CA) had only vol. 6-13 of the Suffolk County Historical Society Register. Therefore I was unable to browse the major article on the Moores of Southold in volume 1, but I was able to see the notes on Charles B. Moore's address in volume 9. This was, after all, the article refuted to clarify the Sarah Vail issue. This article was a reprinting of notes somehow associated with his address. (Since the purpose of the article is to publish the notes, not the address itself, it is unclear to me if they were part of the address, or simply part of his preparation, or even corrections he found afterwards?) Suffolk County Historical Society Register, Vol. 9, No. 4, p. 103: Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the Formation of the Town and the Church of Southold, L.I., Notes from "C.B.Moore's Addresss". Note Z. 10. - "Sample of Errors" Robert Jackson, one of the original settlers of Stamford, Conn., born as early as 1620, married Agnes, daughter of William Washbourne, who came to Long Island from Sandwich with Rev. Mr. Leverich. [..skipping pretty general stuff about Robert..] His daughter Sarah became the wife of Nathaniel, the son of Thomas Moore, shipwright, of Southold, and received a bequest by Robert Jackson's will in 1683. He, Nathaniel, became an active ship master, was employed to carry furniture to Lloyds Neck in 1678, lived until 20 April, 1698, acquired land in Westchester County and left a will, in which he called Jeremiah Vail his brother-in-law. It was hastily supposed from this that he had married a sister of Jeremiah Vail; but this was afterwards found to be an error. Vail had married Anne, the widow of Nathaniel's brother, Benjamin Moore, and in that way was his brother-in-law. Sarah, daughter of Robert Jackson, survived Nathaniel Moore and died his widow on 10th of June 1733. Their son, Nathaniel Moore, Jr., died unmarried in 1699. Their daughter Hannah married John Terry (No. 654 of index), and their daughter Elizabeth married Chistopher Youngs (no 743 of index), and their daughter Deborah married John Boisseau, the Huguenot. There was another daughter, probably unmarried.
Will of "Nathaniel Moor of S'hold in ye County of Suffolk on Long Island in ye Province of New York", dated 19 Apr 1698, mentions "my beloved wife Sarah Moor", "my son Nathaniel Moor" [under age] "be put out to learne such a trade as he do most incline to", "my father Thomas Moor", "my five daughters" "at ye age of eighteen years or the day of their marriage which shall first happen", "my brother in law Jeremaih Vale & my son in law John Terry shall be ye only Executors". Summarizing my current thoughts, I still like the Sarah Vail scenario best. The problem with basing the in-law references on Jeremiah Vail's marriage to Anne (Hampton) Moore, is that once Benjamin Moore died, I don't think Ann would any longer qualify to be a daughter-in-law of Thomas or sister-in-law of Nathaniel, making the in-law references in both cases a little stretched. I would like to see more information about John Jackson Moore, but assuming that this was his legal name (and not something assigned him by some researcher to distinguish him from other John Moores) it would indicate Sarah Jackson is a very likely candidate for his mother. However it seems unlikely that the older Nathaniel Moore was his father, as no son John is mentioned in his will, and he should have been, being about 7 at the time the will was written. Therefore, it would seem to make sense that Sarah Jackson married the younger Nathaniel Moore, son of Nathaniel's brother Thomas, Jr. There is still that nagging problem, that the best estimates we have of birth dates make Sarah Jackson about 8 years older than the younger Nathaniel Moore. Not impossible, but not typical. So clearly, more information is needed... --Jrich 19:27, 20 February 2009 (EST) Thank you so much for the info and your thoughts on this matter. May I use your several paragraphs above (maybe slightly edited) on a web page I would create for my Conflicting Data Section on my Jackson site? If so, you might consider giving me your name and email address so I can give you credit and/or in case anyone would like to contact you. But whatever you decide is OK with me. I do appreciate your concern that I/we get this as correct as possible. --Janiejac 20:36, 20 February 2009 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Heritage Quest [1 February 2009]Hello I was surprised when I didn't find it, but I made the mistake of searching for "HeritageQuest" one word and nothing was returned.--Jrich 10:17, 1 February 2009 (EST) [add comment] [edit] GPS Genealogical Proof Standards [9 February 2009]Thank you for posting those comments and that link on the JUNK page! Genealogical Proof Standard. That was very helpful and I'm able to pass on the link. I appreciate your taking the time to respond to me. I was sort of 'off-topic' but that was the only place I could think of to post such a thing. The responses from both you and Julliane were helpful! I'm sure I'll be referring back to those standards again and again. I also can relate to your stages of development of a genealogist. I'm sure most of us can find ourselves somewhere there. --Janiejac 13:13, 9 February 2009 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Thank you [5 April 2009]You are a breath of fresh air. (But I say that to everyone who agrees with me!) jillaine 21:09, 14 February 2009 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Could you review a merge? [2 March 2009]Hi, Could you review a merge that you did a couple of weeks ago: ? It looks like these two people had the same father but different mothers. Given that the first mother died shortly after the first Mehetabel was born, and that the second Mehetabel was born a few years later, I'm wondering if the father remarried and had another son with his new wife but called him the same name (perhaps the first Mehetabel died)? Anyway, after reviewing the merge if you feel that the two Mehetabel's shouldn't have been merged, you can unmerge them by clicking on the Unmerge button at the bottom of the ReviewMerge screen. Thanks!--Dallan 11:24, 2 March 2009 (EST) I won't argue that the scenario described [an earlier daughter by first wife who died in infancy] isn't possible, but the original page said born "abt. 1647" and no sources were cited, so it is hardly convincing. Given that the Barnstable, Mass., Vital Records (transcribed below) appears to show all of Henry's children, including some who died in infancy, and did not include this Mehitable, and given that the birth of son Eleazer crowds out most of 1647 as a possible birth year, I think the merge was, and still is, reasonable. I would need to see some evidence to think that there was another daughter named Mehitable. From Source:Mayflower Descendant on p. 3:73 [p.399] The births of ye Children of Henry Cob --Jrich 12:59, 2 March 2009 (EST)
Yep. But I did not create the Mehitable Cobb page that I merged. I just did the merge with the other Mehitable Cobb having parents Henry Cobb and Patience Hurst. When I started working on this page, the children were not correctly attributed to the various parents, with some of Patience Hurst's children born after her death (i.e. belonged to second wife Sarah), duplicates of several of the children (e.g. Eleazer and Eliezer), and it included Augustine Person:Augustine Cobb (1) and Edward Cobb Person:Edward Cobb (1) who belong to a different Cobb family (perhaps the Mehitable b. 1647 is a sibling/child of Augustine and Edward, but I am unfamiliar with that family, and the page I found had her in this family, so I assumed she was a duplicate like Eleazer, and merged her away given again that no source citation was presented.) The family was clearly majorly messed up and all I was trying to do was to sort out the children to get it approximately correct. I have not finished my research on this family and when I do I will feel more qualified to come back to this page and correct all the children. Clearly the Mehitable Cobb who lived into the 1720's must be the last so-named daughter b. 1667, not the one b. 1651 who d. 1652. Or alternatively, not from this family. I do not know where the 1727 date came from, and did not want to remove it until I knew where it should go... --Jrich 14:16, 2 March 2009 (EST) (We should probably move this whole thread over to the Mehitable (talk) page in question. -- jillaine 15:07, 2 March 2009 (EST))
Sounds good to me. I was just going through a system-generated list of suspicious merges; I haven't spent anywhere close to the thinking that you have on it.--Dallan 17:26, 2 March 2009 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Thank You - Crandle Family Merges [7 March 2009]Hello Jrich, I just wanted to say Thank you for your work to merge the Crandle Family pages. I am slowly fixing my pages, and changing or adding the sources. Debbie Freeman --DFree 09:58, 7 March 2009 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Mary, wife of John Crandall of RI [7 March 2009]Hello, This is what was printed in the Crandall genealogy -- "John married (1) (perhaps a woman named Mary OPP) about 1648 in Newport Co., Rhode Island. Mary [?] was born about 1625 in England. She died on 20 Aug 1669 in Westerly, Washington Co., Rhode Island and was buried at the Homestead in Westerly, Washington Co., Rhode Island." Over the years many well qualified researchers have not been able to prove this name nor has any circumstantial evidence emerged to support that surname choice. Also, at the time the book was written it was thought that John Crandall was from Wales. Research recently published shows that he was not from Wales but from Gloucestershire. The only proven fact is that the wife's name was Mary and her date of death. A person associated with the Crandall Family Association has written the following: "... John Crandall, baptized at Westerleigh, Gloucestershire, 15 February 1617/8, was the son of James and Eleanor Crandall. "Mary Opp" seems to be fictitious as well. The name "Opp" doesn't seem to exist." --Susan Irish 17:51, 7 March 2009 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Sherman sources [15 March 2009]Hi, Of course, you are correct about the source for Hannah Sherman's year of birth. Unfortunately, when I first started collecting family data I wasn't as careful about getting the complete title of the book or other source. My data on Philip Sherman and family comes from a Sherman genealogy, page 24, that I found at a library. I am still looking for the complete title. Children's dates listed are: Eber b. Dec 1634 Roxbury m. Mary Wilcox {however, current Wilcox research published in NEHGR can't establish the existance of a Mary Wilcox to be this wife}; Sarah b. Oct. 1636 Roxbury m. Thomas Mumford; Peleg b. May 1638 Portsmouth m. July 26, 1657 Elizabeth Lawton; Mary b. Nov. 1639, d.y.; Edmund b. Apr 1641 m. Dorcas Hicks; Samson b. Apr 1642 m. Isabel Tripp; Wm b. 1643, d. 1646; John b Apr(Aug) 1644 m. Sarah Spooner; Hannah b. 1647 m. Wm Chase; Samuel b 1648 m. Martha Tripp; Benj b 1650 m. Hannah Mowry; Philippa b Oct. 1, 1652 m. Benj Chase. --Susan Irish 17:42, 15 March 2009 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Caldwell County, Texas, United States. Marriage Books [14 April 2009]Hello Jrich, I noticed there's a bit of a mistake in the title for this source: Source:Caldwell County, Texas, United States. Marriage Books... The place hierarchy in the title should be reversed. I'm wondering - before you rename it, can you provide more details on this so I can check if this source exists here already? Thank you!--Jennifer (JBS66) 12:05, 14 April 2009 (EDT) The title was built by WeRelate. When searching for this source, I put in a location of United States, Texas, Caldwell County, and a title of Marriage Books. The search didn't seem to find anything, though I did not go through the 43000 sources it returned, just the first page. So I asked it to create a page, and what you see is what WeRelate did with it. Perhaps I should have specified the location as Caldwell, Texas, United States in the search parameters, but having just reviewed the source title help page which specifies the reversed ordering, I used the ordering asked for there. --Jrich 12:12, 14 April 2009 (EDT) I think what happened is that WR's add source for geographic records is programed that when you put in the place covered (and waiting for a few seconds to choose the correct drop-down option), it automatically reverses it for you. You were trying to outsmart it I bet :-) I'm guessing that you may have put in the title reversed and the program - well - messed it all up! Also, is this the rootsweb source you were referring to? [1]--Jennifer (JBS66) 12:21, 14 April 2009 (EDT) I don't add that many sources, and having been surprised the by having the place get put into the title before (in previous experiences, I had intuitively entered it to refine the search, bringing back less records, not because I thought the source was geographically oriented), I was trying to anticipate what was going to happen. So, yes I outsmarted the system, or more accurately, vice-versa. No, the site you cited is Missouri, not Texas. The site is [2], but the note there says they are rebuilding. I have no idea if the data that used to be on the Caldwell County rootsweb will be there or not, so didn't want to give this URL until I or someone could verify it. --Jrich 12:33, 14 April 2009 (EDT) Regarding the above link - sorry, I meant to post this one instead: [3]. Oh, and you are so going to hate me right now :-) Ready.... United States, Texas, Caldwell. Marriage Books - no inclusion of the word county for the place in the title. If this link is accurate, they specify the dates being 1848-1893, you might want to include that in the title, like you did for your other source today. --Jennifer (JBS66) 12:43, 14 April 2009 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Your new comments about sources [23 April 2009]Hi I liked seeing your points about sharing sources. You pointed to two ideas that you've encountered to the effect that you shouldn't share your sources because
The first time I heard people making these points I didn't realize they were serious. They are so non-sensical to my way of thinking that I thought they were making a joke. Unfortunately, that's what they really believe. So sad. Frustrating isn't it. Q 10:27, 23 April 2009 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Beardslee/Beardsley [13 May 2009]jrich, I have seen many references to this famiy that indicate the ee spelling was used for the first 2 or 3 generations, I think rather than eliminate it, it should be kept as an alternate spelling.--Scot 11:56, 12 May 2009 (EDT) Sorry, I was just merging pages off the duplicate list. As a general rule, I don't get too fanatic about colonial spelling. It was so variable, and with many families, it was determined as much by the town clerk as by the family itself. So in merging two pages named Beardsley and Beardslee, I would generally favor the modern spelling. But I think adding Beardslee as an alternate is fine. It may avoid the creation of more duplicate pages in the future. --Jrich 12:10, 12 May 2009 (EDT) Excuse the butt-in, but My personal rule for things like this, is that you use the spelling associated with a persons primary records. If he (or the clerk) used "ee", that's what you use, even if later generations adopted a different spelling. If his personal records use a variety of spellings, and none can be given precedance over the other records, then you follow the usually accepted convention among researchers who have dealt with the person. If there's no concensus view, then you either use your personal preference, or you use the modern spelling, assuming there's a concensus there. Q 15:52, 12 May 2009 (EDT) Do you favor the spelling in their birth record over a different spelling in their death record? The first occurrence in the document or the last? If the child is named differently than the parent in a birth record, which one takes precedence? The minister's return (who maybe knew the person) versus the town clerk's spelling in a marriage license? What if, like some of the older records, the names were Latinized? Colonial spelling was phonetic. Especially names. Writing was not a universal skill. The only primary record that maybe says anything to me is a signature or other document written by the person themselves. Which of course requires seeing the original document which is not something I get to do often. My goal in WeRelate is put data here so people can find it. Do they know the original spelling if they haven't seen the original document? All things considered, I feel no real need to preserve the colonial spelling versus a modern spelling, except as mentioned, namely that putting colloquial spellings in as an alternate name might help searching work better and prevent creation of duplicates since some people do use it. --Jrich 16:08, 12 May 2009 (EDT) You might not feel the need to preserve the spelling, but if the records consistently make use of one spelling, or predominantly so, then the spelling to use is the one best supported by primary records. An arbitrary choice based on modern usage, is just that: arbitrary. Focusing on just a few records usually gives an incomplete answer. Usually what's needed is an exhaustive search of the primary records. If that's been done, and there is simply no basis to chose one spelling over another, then it doesn't make much difference, any choice will be "wrong". And no, while many folks were not literate in colonial times, a good many were and definitely showed a preference in spelling their name. I can point to families in southwest Virginia (where I have at least attempted exhaustive searches) the spelling of the name is often quite distinctive, and you can use the variations in spelling that did occur, to tell which person a record does apply to. The surname "Edmondson" was often spelled "Edmiston" for certain persons. Col John Edmiston, for example, consistently used the Edmiston spelling, though there are occassional instances where another variant was used. He was locally important, and I suspect the clerks of the court took pains to get his name right as he expected. Other family members used the Edmondson spelling, but both spellings continued on consistently in certain lines. But to draw conclusions like that requires exhaustive data collection. Most folks stop with one or two records, and so can be mislead. Q 17:08, 12 May 2009 (EDT) Some of the town clerks spelled at a elementary school level. Why preserve their spelling? It may be arbitrary to prefer modern variations, but it is also arbitrary to choose one town clerk's spelling over another. The only person that can pretend to have any real authority is the person themselves. Thus Person:Thomas Prence (2) and not Thomas Prince, since that is the way he signed his name. I sure wouldn't trust spelling differences between two variations of the same name before the 1800s as a reliable identification, except to the extent it correlates to a specific town clerk and hence to a specific location. Thus Person:Benjamin Skillings (2) is recorded as Benjamin Skillion because he is Marblehead, and "Mr. Skillin" in Willis' History of Portland is Person:Benjamin Skillings (3), not because the name is spelled differently, but because the record is in Maine. (And my gr-grandmother spelled it "Skillin" but I use Skillings in WeRelate because that is what other people in MyRelate use and I know it is all the same family.) --Jrich 18:31, 12 May 2009 (EDT) Even if the people were literate, spelling was not yet standardized. The first American Dictionary wasn't published until 1828 by Noah Webster. Many of the spelling variants are still in use today even within related families such as Mead/Meade Smith/Smythe etc. I have a family in Virginia by the name of Sullivant. I first though it a misprint, but soon found they used this spelling consistantly for generations, though I doubt this form survives today. Wills are predictably inconsistant as they were often dictated even if the testator was literate, he could have been too weak to put pen to paper. Often a name could be spelled multiple ways within the same document. I tend to try to use the spelling the individual went by, if known and include as alternate other, or modern spellings if used by descendants. I don't think it a big issue though, as a good search engine that employs fuzzy logic will probably find the entry. User delijim has been editing some of my pages for a family, Scotch-Irish in origin, named Doak, I have seen some discussion that it may be the same as Doig but no proof is offered. I'm not sure there really is a right or wrong here. It is interesting to see the evolution of spellings or even names over the years. Of course, many non English immigrants have Anglicized, but that is another issue entirely. There is an old Dutch family from New Amsterdam that began as van Kouwenhoven the dropped the van, then became Couwenhoven and is now universally (I presume)to be Conover.--Scot 18:37, 12 May 2009 (EDT) Yes, all that's true enough. So your answer is to use the modern spelling, and ignore the contemporary records because they are automatically wrong. That's a legitimate approach, I think, only when an exhaustive search of the records gives an inconclusive answer. If you've done an exhaustive search, and can't reach a conclusion, well and good. But most folks don't do an exhaustive search. Relying on the convenience of assuming the spelling is wrong because "they were mostly illiterate, and the clerks weren't much better", is the easy way out. But then, different folks do genealogy differently. Q 18:49, 12 May 2009 (EDT) That's not what I said at all. Read my post again before you flame me.--Scot 18:54, 12 May 2009 (EDT)
I don't think there is a right or wrong, and if one has done anything approaching an exhaustive search, it is pretty obvious what accepted practice is, and that is probably the best answer. The main purpose is communication with others. My positions above are based on fears that insisting on historical spellings will get in the way of being a useful page. In researching the Larrabee family, some get recorded as Leatherby, and some spellings end up as Tetherly. What I know is that they are all the same family, and feel it is clearer by orders of magnitude to title the page Larrabee, giving the transcription/abstract using its original colloquial spelling. Using the modern name basically communicates to everybody, whereas the historically accurate name may be inaccessible to large numbers. However, if the spelling of the name in the title is used that doesn't fit all the evidence, there are many ways to address the issue: adding the variant spelling to the Surname page, adding it as an alternate name, noting it in the narrative, or giving a transcription of a source. --Jrich 21:12, 12 May 2009 (EDT) I guess its a matter of what is seen as acceptable practice. Q 21:19, 12 May 2009 (EDT) My original point. If 2 different spellings were commonly in use, both should be retained to show that they are the same family.--Scot 12:14, 13 May 2009 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] van Aken - Thank You [17 May 2009]Hello Jrich, I wanted to say Thanks for the help. I appreciate it. Debbie Freeman --DFree 10:29, 17 May 2009 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Wilk and Sibley [26 May 2009]Hello Jrich I was notified this morning that you had made some changes or updates to John Wilks and Mary Sibley. I clicked on the link to see the changes and I see the information in red which I think is your updates but I don't think I'm reading this correctly because I don't see how the changes are different than what was already there. Do you have a moment to teach me how to read the edit screens so I can understand and better collaborate with members on werelate who I share ancestors with. Many thanks, Deanna--Deannabullock 12:33, 26 May 2009 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Category complaint [8 June 2009]Regarding this statement: Third, this is a task that should be automated if it is going to be done. Assuming this is a way to flag pages for future cleanup, it is too large for one or even a group of people to do. It will be done unevenly, and possibly unfairly. Look how many duplicates remain. Let's finish that task before we start (and eventually abandon) some other crusade. For your information, although I am not sure why I need to explain my edits on WeRelate to you; I merged pages last night and it was getting late and I was tired of merging so I decided to search for and edit pages that were sourced with One World Tree. Since the policy is to remove these sources from merged pages, which I did not propose, I removed the source but thought it would be a good idea to show where the information came from, so I created the category which was vigorously opposed to by you. Your approach in asking me about the edits and category were not perceived by me as an impersonal objection to my decisions. I don't have any problem with someone asking me politely about why I used such and such a category. Anyway I deleted the category and the source, so I am now consistent with the merging approach. I volunteer on WeRelate and I don't appreciate you telling me how to use my volunteer time. What exactly does this mean "before we start (and eventually abandon) some other crusade".? I assume we are all here and volunteer because we like the idea of the Wiki and WeRelate. Happy to work with you; but would very much like to clear the air, which is getting quite stuffy for me.--Beth 19:57, 8 June 2009 (EDT) There was absolutely nothing personal in my remarks. I didn't think what you were doing was necessarily good to start with (see Using GEDCOMS as Sources for my views), and I thought you were misusing categories. As a member of the WeRelate community, I do feel I have an equal right to voice objections to your edits, especially if they touch a page I am watching, but even if they don't. If there was an edge in my remarks, which I thought there wasn't, it probably was a result of thinking your changes appeared to be somewhat punitive. You could have just deleted the source. So, first, using categories seemed to be a way, not of marking the page as needing more work, since you removed the source yourself, but of permanently reminding the offending contributer they had erred by using a sub-par source. And, second, you made sure to note the same thing in the narrative section where it came up right at the top of the page, as if inclusion in the category wasn't enough. Using the category also had the side-effect of losing some of the information from the source citation. In the example I saw, the contributor appeared to have named the Ancestry tree they used, which presumably could enable somebody to go look at the tree if they had access to Ancestry, and maybe it was even one of those few trees that have sources. By putting the page into a category instead, there is no way to communicate this tree name. So information was lost. I looked at the category page, and something like 15 pages belonged to the category. As there are over 1 million pages in werelate, it would probably take longer than most person's patience to complete the task you started. Thus, unless you have the cooperation of the community at large, as is the case with the merge project, this is likely to be a crusade started and abandoned. I do sympathize with the dislike of under-justified genealogy. --Jrich 21:15, 8 June 2009 (EDT) I definitely perceived an edge but probably just my Southern interpretation. So we have 2 different viewpoints; I don't have a problem with that. I perceived what I was doing as helpful to show how the page was originally sourced but following the guidelines for the merging of pages and you perceived it as punitive. I did not look at it as another "Crusade" but spending some time on editing a few pages to improve the pages. While I was on the pages I also combined the same multiple sources into one if they existed. I also edited some pages the other day and added sources from a book I own but I did not edit every page that might be referenced in the book. It is not a point of unfairness but just in editing the pages that one has time or finds the time to improve upon. So I will continue with my edits and may even create more categories and will expect your comments.--Beth 21:31, 8 June 2009 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Thanks! for What Links here... [9 June 2009]That is so exciting! Thanks for the tip on "what links here." I had not noticed it before (I haven't been here very long). I'm going to run right out and play with that little feature! (really, you'd laugh if you saw me; I'm all fidgety and ready to quit work so I can go play with my sources...) Thought it best to write you directly so as to not clutter up the watercooler. I'm still trying to learn the protocols for wiki-ness... Thanks again, Brenda--Kennebec1 15:40, 9 June 2009 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Wikipedia source AND content entries... [18 June 2009]I don't think you know what you're agreeing with in the discussion on Susan Irish's talk page. I think your claim is that a wikipedia content extraction obviates the need for an explicit wikipedia source. That wasn't the question here. In this case, the question was whether the content extraction is needed if the source entry is present. Other questions that you seem to be opening: * The "wikipedia is lame" argument. Sometimes it is, but I've always found it more useful than what we had - if anything - in WR to begin with. * WP isn't a primary or "real" source. Sure, but very little is - it's always a question of degree. Even a birth certificate relies on the sworn statements of humans - people do screw things up now and then. The only way to deal with this is to get as many reasonably available and commonly used sources included so that a thorough analysis can occur of what is good/useful/correct and what isn't. Further, the secondary sources are typically where we start - leading us to the primary sources. It just can't be better to be devoid of sources than to use a secondary source. * It's a web site, and web sites come and go. Yeah, that's true for individually hosted sites, but WP - or something containing it's content - is here to stay. If you want to carry this debate further, great, please take it to the watercooler or source discussion place.--Jrm03063 16:14, 18 June 2009 (EDT) Wikipedia is, and always will be a secondary source. Often a very good one perhaps, at least for subjects famous enough to be included, and one I have used, but still secondary. I never even came close to saying it was lame and that is not part of my thinking nor argument. But it is secondary and so it has the same limitations that other secondary sources have. Just as an example, on one of the pages cited, for William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby, the Wikipedia page only cites two websites. No published histories, etc. The only contemporary evidence referred to is to support whether or not he wrote some of Shakespeare's works. The genealogy information is asserted without proof or reference. Neither of the cited websites seem to give any proof or references either. I know family trees on worldconnect that provide more genealogical proof than that page. I was responding to Susan's use of the word redundant, not whether she wanted the template or the source citation to be eliminated, or whether she mistook the template for a redundant source citation, or something different. I have run across pages where the only material on the right side is the narrative sucked in from Wikipedia with a message identifying it as such, followed by a separate citation of wikipedia as a source. It strikes me as redundant. If you have good primary sources, the narrative from Wikipedia can help tie them together and summarize, but the source citation of wikipedia is not really necessary. And if you don't have good primary sources, you still don't even if you cite Wikipedia, so why not let the narrative speak for itself. A Wikipedia citation is not a substitute for primary sources, whether it be baptism registers, the books Wikipedia is summarizing, the wills, transcriptions of letters, etc. Wikipedia's strength lies in the number of eyes that review it. WeRelate will have that strength in its own right one day. But Wikipedia's reviewers may have subtly different goals. I suspect many Wikipedia authors have no genealogical training, and perhaps are not even used to doing genealogical research. As a trivial illustration, I would like to suggest that the second daughter Elizabeth, of William Stanley, was named after her mother, not after "her deceased older sister". (The current Wikipedia assertion just begs the question, "who was the older sister named after?") Or more seriously, do they present all not-yet-disproven genealogies, or only the one they distilled out of several works as the most likely? For example, on Person:Thomas Prence (1), Wikipedia says he had 3 wives. Actually, that is one answer that we can rule out, since he named wife Mary in his will. His second wife was Mary. So he either had two (Patience and Mary) or he had four (Patience, Mary, Apphia, and Mary). I have read strong arguments either way, an open question in my mind, though the answer of 4 is more accepted (by the Great Migration Study for example). But, regardless, no hint of a controversy on the Wikipedia page, which simply states an impossible answer as if it was fact. --Jrich 18:30, 18 [add comment] [edit] Source pages with links [27 August 2009]Hi, it would be a great help if you could handle the pages with links while I am doing the deletions. If you can here is the latest one.--Beth 19:40, 26 August 2009 (EDT) Source:Past and present of the city of Decatur and Macon County, Illinois I am a little worried about this. I have used some sources numerous (hundreds?) of times that had multiple FHL numbers. Sometimes I took the time to remove the FHL number, sometimes not. When I did not, I usually selected the lowest FHL number figuring it probably will show up on the list first and most people will use it. If all the cases of this create duplicates, that is going to be a lot of work, which I thought could/would have been automated??? --Jrich 20:16, 26 August 2009 (EDT)
Well, actually Mike probably as your were typing this Dallan now says not to delete any sources with links. Hard to keep up with this source renaming business, isn't it?--Beth 15:24, 27 August 2009 (EDT)
Thanks for fixing the page with links. None of the last batch had any links. If your linked page gets deleted let me know and I can restore the page. --Beth 22:39, 26 August 2009 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Source Renaming Piece on Your User Page [31 August 2009]Jrich, You've written an extensive piece on your User page with your thoughts about the Source renaming going on. I admire that you moved this off the working page and your reasons for doing so. Yet by placing it on your User page, it does not invite comment. Was that your intention? -- jillaine 08:37, 31 August 2009 (EDT) Okay, elsewhere you said to respond on your talk page, so I'm doing so. Just a few things:
This is what makes me think you're actually talking about web pages containing family trees/GEDCOMs (as opposed to web pages containing, for example, transcriptions of vital records or something). So assuming that you *are* discussing web pages containing family trees/GEDCOMs, I think your point about exiling them to MySources resulting in reduced search results is wise and should be considered. At least in terms of documentation. I think this topic alone is worth discussing on the appropriate Talk page.
-- jillaine 09:32, 31 August 2009 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Thanks [31 August 2009]Hi thanks for the support. Looks like she does have another user name and I can find no record of any deletion. I have had several issues about me "messing with their trees" over the last few weeks. I believe that we need to post a message on the main page of WeRelate clearly stating that users' pages are part of the WeRelate community and may be edited by any user and also mention the license under which we operate with a link to the license definition. --Beth 17:53, 31 August 2009 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Mary Freeman (Hinckley pages) [29 October 2009]Looking at Person:Mary Freeman (1), I gather from looking at User:Butterfieldjv contributions that they are no longer here (all are dated 2007), so I think it's just you and I (and whoever else...) looking at these pages. So I've decided to go ahead and remove the AF# and the citations to the GEDCOM, as they are clutter and not very helpful. Do you think the invalid death date should remain on the person page, since it is commonly cited? Or should it be removed and just remain referenced in your sources for the later death date?--Brenda (kennebec1) 11:02, 29 October 2009 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] GEDCOM Export Ready [6 November 2009]The GEDCOM for tree Default is ready to download. Click here. [add comment] [edit] Hattie Nickerson [21 November 2009]Thanks for the abstraction of the Hattie Nickerson article. Much appreciated.--Neal Gardner 11:59, 21 November 2009 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Gabriel Wheldon [24 November 2009]Jrich, I see that you're the most recent/primary contributor to the Gabriel Wheldon page. I've recently been delving into Gabriel due to the marvelous new REGISTER article, "The Origin of Gabriel Whelden of Yarmouth and Malden, Massachusetts (Oct 2009), wherein the Basford baptisms of his children are found and discussed, as are his wives. I'd like to update Gabriel's page with this information. Currently, you've got all the "candidates" for wives on the main page. I'd like to clean that up and move the Indian princess and Mary Davis theories to the Talk page, and have the Talk page be the place where all the myths are included, leaving the main page for what IS documented. What do you think? -- Jillaine 07:57, 24 November 2009 (EST)
I was not advancing a theory of four wives. I don't think this is proposed by any serious genealogist.
I was merely presenting a superficially plausible scenario that was consistent with the little we know about Gabriel Whelden's wives, trying to illustrate how flexible and open we must remain regarding his marriages.
Basically, unless I am forgetting something, we know he was married to somebody by 1611, his wife was Jane in 1637 and his widow was Margaret. Between 1611 and 1637, there is 25 plus years where lots of stuff could have happened, and anything about wives in this period is guessing.
This is a nit, but, genealogically speaking, your words "soundly disproven" might be too strong.
[add comment] [edit] Help on adding an image [3 December 2009]I did watch three videos. But maybe I'm not getting the idea of how to add an image. I uploaded a couple images. But I am unclear on how to connect them or make them appear on a page. Can I add some images to this? 12:35, 2 December 2009 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Field pages [16 December 2009]Nice work adding sources to the Field pages, JR. Thanks. Jillaine 09:25, 16 December 2009 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Next step: Review your GEDCOM [22 December 2009]You're not done yet! WeRelate is different from most family tree websites. By contributing to WeRelate you are helping to create Pando for genealogy, a free, unified family tree that combines the best information from all contributors. Now that you have uploaded converse.GED, your next step is to review what your pages will look like, review any potential warnings, and combine (merge) people in your GEDCOM with matching people already on WeRelate. You need to review your GEDCOM before it can finish importing. Click here to review your GEDCOM Once you have finished your review and marked your GEDCOM Ready to import, one of our administrators will review your GEDCOM and finalize the import. This usually happens within 24 hours. You will receive a message here when the pages have been created.
[add comment] [edit] converse.GED Imported Successfully [22 December 2009]The pages from your GEDCOM have been generated successfully. You may now:
For questions or problems, leave a message for Dallan or send an email to
[add comment] [edit] Why changed?? [22 January 2010]Hi! I got the following message from Werelate....and I wonder why the changes have been done. Please answer me! Thank you! Torill Toristor, "Person:Josep Leavitt (1)" has been changed by Jrich at 09:56, 22 January 2010. Edit summary: merge into Person:Joseph Leavitt (7) in merge of Family:Joseph Leavitt and Sarah Bradbury (1) - review/undo View the changes: View the current version: Leave a message for Jrich: We are currently in the process of combining duplicate wiki pages for the same person into a single page containing information from all contributors. If you are unsure why your pages are being merged with others, it is most likely a result of this project. Read more: 17:45, 22 January 2010 (EST)
The email that was sent to Toristor was probably OK. It looks like Toristor didn't leave a space in-between his signature and the cut/pasted text from the email, so I believe only the copy posted here is corrupted. Which is no big deal since the link wasn't really intended for me, except to give me context of his email. I responded to this user directly, thinking that was simpler. --Jrich 23:05, 22 January 2010 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Thanks for all the £ [8 February 2010]jrich, thanks for all the £s. My bank account is feeling much better! ;-) -- Jillaine 23:15, 8 February 2010 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Children of William Ward [10 February 2010]Jrich, I think I've found sufficient evidence to support that at least the first five children of William Ward were by his first wife-- whatever her name was. The primary evidence (to date) is that William's 1686 will which refers in the plural to sonS and daughterS by his former wife (and still living in 1686). If plural in both, that would take us through child #5, and possibly #6, although I'm less confident of that. Unless you vociferously object, I'd like to pull them off of the second marriage's page. -- Jillaine 11:06, 10 February 2010 (EST) That's fine with me, as you have some justification and have added a bunch of good information. It might be worthwhile to add a note to both Family pages though, replacing my obnoxious banner, just to make sure people don't create duplicate children because their sources place all the children under Elizabeth, etc. That is probably why there were duplicates of many of them before, and a good argument for why marriages and children need to be listed on Person pages, even if you still have to go to a Family page to edit them. --Jrich 11:19, 10 February 2010 (EST) Thanks. I'll get to this soon. -- Jillaine 15:44, 10 February 2010 (EST) [add comment] [edit] What Makes WeRelate Different [3 May 2010]Hi Jrich, would you mind if I used your "What Makes WeRelate Different" article and feature it next week? I'd have to create an article and of course cite you as the author. I think it contains some great comparisons with other sites and good recommendations for other researchers. Let me know. Thanks and best regards, Jim:)--Delijim 16:56, 3 May 2010 (EDT)
Thanks, I'll use your thoughts as the "core" of the article. :) Best regards, have a great week! Jim--Delijim 18:04, 3 May 2010 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Family:Joseph Kilgore and Penelope Treworgy (1) [25 May 2010]Hi Is Family:Joseph Kilgore and Penelope Treworgy (1) one of yours, or were you just lending a helping hand? In anycase THANKS. normally I wouldn't be dealing much with someone in Maine, but as it turns out YDNA evidence seems to show that Joseph is close kin to the Kilgore's in PA, MD, and South West Virginia. And since the Maine line points back to a specific location in Scotland (Fife), I thought we might get a clue as to where the other Kilgores came from as well. Q 09:27, 25 May 2010 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Queens vs Nassau Counties [7 June 2010]Have the powers that be decided that we use the current locations and not the location as it was at the time? I noticed you have changed Person:Jacob Willets (1) from being born in Queens to Nassau. But "Nassau County was born on January 1, 1899 and the Towns of North Hempstead, Hempstead and Oyster Bay, including what would later become the Cities of Long Beach and Glen Cove, secede from Queens County to form Nassau County." That whole area is geographically complicated enough without our changing original info too! I always need all the help I can get, so I'm glad for any help you give. I'm just fussing if this is the policy! Sometimes the original info is all I have and I don't know what changes might have taken place since then. I think my frustration with WR is showing. Too many things don't work for me.--Janiejac 15:05, 7 June 2010 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Hannah Hobart [31 July 2010]Published sources have Hannah Hobart's parents as Peter and Rebecca, not Elizabeth. Why the change to Rebecca? --Joeljkp 23:09, 31 July 2010 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Latest edit - Thank You & interesting [18 August 2010]Hello Jrich, I enjoyed reading your latest addition/edit. It made me curious and I tried to locate an article or help page on WeRelate on "how to" or "advice page" on doing good and/or proper genealogical research on ancestors that were American Colonial Ancestors. No luck, do you know of such a page in WeRelate that I missed? Or could you suggest one off site? Thanks Debbie Freeman --DFree 12:41, 18 August 2010 (EDT)
--- Hello Jrich, I did find online a book called "Researching your Colonial New England Ancestors" by a Patricia Law Hatcher. I do not know enough to judge the usefulness of the book though. Take Care, Debbie Freeman --DFree 13:58, 18 August 2010 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] family pgs with no info [19 August 2010]Thoughts concerning your comment "If you know somebody's parents' names, but nothing else, do not create the Family page, merely note the relationship in the notes on the child's page, and leave it for another researcher to create a robust Family page." I have not uploaded my main db yet, but I have many such 'families' because it was necessary to know which Robert or William Jackson was mentioned. The fact that he was 'son of so-and-so' is needed. Now when I upload my GEDCOM, these family pages will automatically be created. My preference would be to not create person pages for the father and mother, but I don't know if the system allows for creating a family pg but not a person page. --Janiejac 01:37, 19 August 2010 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Merge of jonas and olive Newton [21 October 2010]I noticed that this merge did not pick up the source info for some of Olive's children. If you want that info you might try merging again. Jim--Tarbet 06:27, 21 October 2010 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Newton [21 October 2010]I was very happy to see the changes in source material you were adding. I had just never seen this done before and was curious about the terminology and the process. This is my first WIKI, and almost everything that happens here is new to me. Thank you for you explanation of the reasoning behind your work with the Newtons. It makes good sense and is appreciated, as I know that I lack good and sufficient sources in many cases. I also thank you for your prompt reply. Thanks for explaining. Jim--Tarbet 13:53, 21 October 2010 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Moses Newton & Sarah Howe [30 October 2010]jroch, Thank you for your input for this family. It certainly goes deeper than I had been able to go. I would appreciate it if you would add the entire comment you made on the family talk to the comments section of their page. Your comments enhance the page and deserve to be included. thanks again Jim--Tarbet 20:45, 30 October 2010 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Moses and Sarah Howwe [1 November 2010]In her book "The Newton Genealogy" E. Leonard says this about Moses and Sarah, "He married at Marlborough, December 11, 1695, Sarah How, daughter of Isaac and Frances (Woods) How* of Marlborough, where she was born January 28, 1675. She died in Southborough, December 4, 1733. "Wife of Moses." This would indicate that Sarah was not the Daughter of Thomas or But rather Isaac Howe. Jim--Tarbet 11:04, 1 November 2010 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Sarah How [1 November 2010]Have you been able to connect John, Thomas and Isaac? Are they brothers, cousins? Jim--Tarbet 15:57, 1 November 2010 (EDT) Have you determined if her name was HOW or HOWE?--Tarbet 15:59, 1 November 2010 (EDT)
so Isaac and Thomas are brothers, and John is their nephew. How or Howe is immaterial, it is colonial spelling. It was almost always spelled How in the 1700's but nearly all the modern generations use Howe and that is how it is spelled in most of the literature. As a researcher you have to look for and deal with both. --Jrich 17:38, 1 November 2010 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Peter Folger [3 December 2010]Cotton Mather describes Peter Folger as an "Able Godley Englishman who was employed in teaching the youth in Reading, Writing, and the Principles of Religion by Catechism, being well learned likewise in the Scriptures and Capable of Help in religious matters." At Nantucket he was chosen clerk of the court and recorder July 21, 1673; he also surveyed lands for the settlers, and was regarded as scholar of the community. The varied employments of Peter Folger prove him to have been as versatile as industrious; to him, at least, "the knowing Folgers lazy" could not have been applied; and if there was ever any foundation in fact for the character which the little Nantucket rhyme has fastened upon his family, it must have been earned by a later representative of the name. His mantle fell upon some of his descendants, and he bequeathed to them decided ability. "His son Eleazer and Eleazer, Jr., were intelligent literary and mathematical". Peter Folger died in 1690; Mary, his widow, in 1704. Abiah Folger, the youngest child of Peter Folger, and the only one born on Nantucket, married Josiah Franklin, of Boston. Benjamin Franklin, son of Josiah and Abiah (Folger) Franklin, married Deborah Read, of Philadelphia. Source: "Early Settlers of Nantucket Their Associates and Descendants" compiled by Lydia S. Hinchman - Philadelphia - Printed by J.B. Lippincott Company, 1896 Early Settlers of Nantucket, p. 48 --Sandyebauer 12:49, 22 November 2010 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Alice (Paine) Strange will analysis [19 February 2011]Hi, Excellent job in summarizing the people in the will. I had tried several times over the years to get a good diagram of these relationships but kept getting lost in the detail. --Susan Irish 13:14, 19 February 2011 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Kelley History [6 April 2011]My name is Bernard Kelley, my email is I'm tracing a unique line of Kelley from Maryland in 1774 to Ky in 1804. If you have a male kelley relative that would do a DNA test at family tree DNA , it may link you to this line. My DNA is on file so if you match I will be contacted. If you have any questions please email me. Thanks Bernard--Bernard 22:01, 5 April 2011 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Kelley History [6 April 2011]My name is Bernard Kelley, my email is I'm tracing a unique line of Kelley from Maryland in 1774 to Ky in 1804. If you have a male kelley relative that would do a DNA test at family tree DNA , it may link you to this line. My DNA is on file so if you match I will be contacted. If you have any questions please email me. Thanks Bernard--Bernard 22:01, 5 April 2011 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Thanks [12 April 2011]I'm finally trying to get started actually using We Relate. Thanks for your guidance. It's appreciated! KaJoH--KaJoH 16:51, 12 April 2011 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] style guide [22 April 2011]Hi Jrich, Thanks for adding your explanations on the bio style guide. I incorporated some of them onto the main page, and in places where your comments give us good direction, I added a note basically inviting people to post only if they disagree - otherwise we keep those rules. There are some places where neither of us has a good theory yet - but if you get a chance feel free to add - so I've left those more with questions for discussion. --Amelia 01:12, 23 April 2011 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] duplicate source?? [3 May 2011]I just created a new source here: Source:North Carolina, United States. North Carolina Marriage Collection, 1741-2004 Someone had previously created a similar source but made it county specific: Source:Edgecombe, North Carolina, United States. North Carolina Marriage Collection - Family History Library, 1724-2004 Perhaps they are not really duplicates; the first one covers all counties and is available from Maybe that FHL reference covers only Edgecombe County. Are both these sources OK as they are? --Janiejac 15:13, 3 May 2011 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] St. Peter's Parmentergate [26 May 2011]You could at least have asked before removing details/website regarding St. Peter's, now please leave it alone. No tact; no results.--Neal Gardner 12:57, 26 May 2011 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Amos and [19 June 2011]--Tarbet 21:21, 18 June 2011 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Amos and Prudence Newton [19 June 2011]Thanks for making the changes for the above, However, there seem to be some discrepancy that I cannot explain. Perhaps you can help. Your changes were based on the will of John Bellows, father of Prudence Bellows Newton. The will stating that Prudence is the widow of Amos Newton. However Amos, who married Prudence in 1749, Married a second wife, Jane Learned Giles in 1758, indicating that Prudence had probably died prior to 1758 and therefore prior to the will of John Bellows in 1772. In addition to the above, the will of Amos Newton was not filed until 1814. In this will he mentions two sons by name, and the rest of his children, without naming them, but no wife. This would indicate that both of his wives had died prior to his writing his will. That being true, Prudence could not have been his widow. Common sense would say that John Bellows, as the father of Prudence should know the status of his daughter, but it would also say that Amos, Husband of Prudence would also know. If Amos divorced Prudence, prior to his marriage to Jane Giles, Then perhaps John might use the term "widow" to protect his daughter's name. There is no indication that a divorce happened, but it might explain this discrepancy. What do you think? Jim Tarbet--Tarbet 21:42, 18 June 2011 (EDT) There are multiple Amos Newtons. So it is a matter of applying the various data to the right Amos Newton. Ignoring Amos Newton, son of Moses, who is not involved in this, there are two Amos Newtons getting mixed up: one is the son of John, and one is the son of Isaac. Wills, in my opinion, are the single most reliable source, as they were written based on the information of a first hand informant, were reviewed by the courts, and everybody had a financial motive to get them right. So I think John Bellow's will (on p. 186 of the Newton Genealogy) clearly indicates that Prudence Bellows was alive in 1772 and married an Amos who died before 1772. Therefore she did not marry the Amos who married in 1762 Mrs. Jane Giles (not 1758, that was when Jane married her first husband John Giles) even if the Newton Genealogy gets confused and says so on p. 69. (I was fooled by that statement, and originally thought one Amos married all three - since Amos and Prudence have no known children after 1752, it is not unreasonable to guess that Prudence died, leaving the way open for Amos to remarry Phebe Johnson in 1756, even though there is no death recorded for Prudence - but the will convinced me this assumption was a mistake by showing that Prudence was alive and Amos had died.) The Newton Genealogy has the right answer on p. 79, showing that Amos, the son of John, married Phebe Johnson and Mrs. Jane Giles. The will of this Amos, the son of John, was filed in early 1815 and mentions no wife because the wife Jane d. 9 months before Amos, March 1814 versus Dec. 1814 according to the vital records of Southborough, so yes, his two wives (Phebe and Jane) had both died by 1815. I don't know when Amos wrote his will, it is not specified in the Newton Genealogy, but death of a wife is certainly the type of even that would motivate him to write a new one, so presumably sometime in that 9 month interval. On p. 186 and 189, the Newton Genealogy again contradicts p. 69, by saying that Amos, son of Isaac, not the son of John, married Prudence Bellows, showing the earlier statement was probably unintended and somehow missed the editor's pencil. Which of the Amos Newtons married Prudence Bellows and died before 1772, and which married first Phebe Johnson and second Mrs. Jane Giles before dying in late 1814, is another possible point of confusion. Obviously the assumption of the Newton Genealogy is that because Isaac's son Moses married Persis Bellows, it is probably his brother Amos, the son of Isaac, who married Persis' sister Prudence. I think the names of the children of Amos and Jane, particularly Jonas, Abel and Patience, supports this assumption, since Amos Newton, the son of John, had siblings with those names, whereas Amos Newton, the son of Isaac did not. Another important indicator is that the second child of Amos and Prudence (Mary) is born in Stafford, CT, according to its birth record in the Southborough VRs, showing that Prudence married the son of Isaac. Does that answer your question or are there other issues I did not address? --Jrich 23:08, 18 June 2011 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Estate records for intestates in Essex Co., MA 1700's [3 August 2011]Hi, Specifically searching for records of the administration of the estate of Person:Nathaniel Felton (4) online. Are they available? The Felton book that you referenced discusses the administration of the estate here: [4]. Need a source for the death date and can use the book if nothing better is available online. Thanks for your help. --Beth 20:41, 2 August 2011 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Cite template [4 September 2011]Hello. I marked it as being considered for deprecation solely based on the content of the no-include explanation on the template itself. I'll put a note on the deprecation proposal section about arguments against deprecation if you would prefer not being bothered to do that yourself ... you provided information on my talk page I can summarize there. I would suggest that the text of the Cite template description be revised accordingly. Also, I'll have to do some testing of the ref tag in the mediawiki implementation here; it is absolutely not as brain dead as you describe on Wikipedia, where it has effectively replaced Cite, which redirects to Wikipedia:Template:Citation now. --ceyockey 13:51, 4 September 2011 (EDT) P.S. The tone which you took in your closing line is NOT helpful or appreciated => "Please provide an explanation why the Cite template was marked to be deprecated, and what group decided this should be done?" --ceyockey 13:54, 4 September 2011 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Patrollers group [12 September 2011]Hi Jrich, your user rights have been updated and you are now in the "Patrollers" Group. There is a bit more information about this here. To have your edits automatically marked as patrolled, please go to Settings>Editing and check "Mark edits I make as patrolled". Let me know if you have any questions, --Jennifer (JBS66) 14:28, 12 September 2011 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Hannah Eames (1) duplicate families [10 October 2011]Person:Hannah Eames (1) was merged and the result is that she has two differing sets of parents. Can you help resolve the problem? --Judy (jlanoux) 20:19, 9 October 2011 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Thanks for catching errors [27 November 2011]Thanks!! Still very new to werelate and I must have lost track of which page I was on and/or the relationships got turned around in my mind. Am grateful you caught several inaccurate assignments I made.--Kpb2011 16:56, 27 November 2011 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Alive and Well [6 December 2011]I would like to have my name removed from WeRelate
This JonJay is outrageous, posting every thing he finds on the internet.--Gypsy1930 19:13, 6 December 2011 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Breaking templates by adding category on newline [26 December 2011]Thank you! for pointing out the breakage of templates by adding a new line. I think the majority of the malfunctions would be, based on your comment, in templates now in the Category:Internal formatting templates category. I'll review those over the next day or so. --ceyockey 11:34, 26 December 2011 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Howland family and Charles Dickens family [6 January 2012]Thanks for the correction on the Howland page. I could use some help. Possibly you may know how to find my needed source. I was fascinated by the Charles Dickens featured page. I discovered that his brother Augustus died in Chicago, Ill and his "wife" died there also and left 3 orphans. Of course I just had to find out what happened to the orphans. The daughter of Augustus, Amy Dickens married into this Howland family. I wish to link the two families but am missing one link. According to Ancestry family trees, Zacheus Howland was b. 30 Jun 1747 and baptized 5 Apr 1747 [makes no sense] in Barnstable, Barnstable, MA. He married Mary 'Molly' Palmer on 26 Feb 1768 in Falmouth, Barnstable, MA. He died 16 Nov 1828 in Barnstable, Barnstable, MA. His parents are allegedly Jabez Howland and Elizabeth Percival. I created the page for Jabez Howland but cannot find supporting evidence that this Zacheus was his son. I have the resources to create the other pages to link the families but this is my one missing link. I have checked,, Family search, MA Vital Records Project and I think Footnote. Maybe my searches are incorrect or maybe this data for Barnstable is not online. As I recall the other children of Jabez Howland and Elizabeth Percival are indicated on some of the sites. Any help or advice greatly appreciated. Thanks. --Beth 21:57, 4 January 2012 (EST) Source:Mayflower Descendant, p. 11:82, has the Will of Jabez Howland of Barnstable which names son Zaccheus who was a minor in 1765 so born after 1744. Since he wasn't married yet, this doesn't prove it is the right one (no grandchildren named, etc.) but the age is appropriate is he was just barely a minor. Source:Hobart, Benjamin. History of the Town of Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, p. 403, says the birthdate of Zaccheus is 30 Mar 1747, which at least puts the birth and baptism in the right order, but I can't find where that comes from. The children of "Zacheus" and Molly, and the parent's deaths are record VR Barnstable p. 236. I'll keep looking. --Jrich 10:16, 5 January 2012 (EST) ]
[add comment] [edit] New York Genealogical & Biographical Society [6 January 2012]This Society appears to me to be both a repository, a publisher and a source. Dick Eastman has posted an announcement that I thought would be good to copy to put into the repository page but . . .deciding how WR should treat NYG&BS appears to me to be uncertain as a search turns up several results. Is cleaning these multiple results up something you would care to handle? I'm not referring to their individual publications, but just to the information about the society itself and their website where info about the publications can be found and/or purchased. I listed it last night as a depository where one could purchase a book, but it is red so something I did wasn't right. Source:Moorhouse, B-Ann. Kings County, New York Administration Proceedings, 1817-1856, B-Ann Moorhouse, CG, FGBS and Joseph M Silinonte. Deciding how to clean up the duplicates - or if the Society is a repository or not is something I don't care to tackle but it should be done. --Janiejac 10:37, 6 January 2012 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Frost Family [8 January 2012]Hi: I see that you made a recent change to the Frost information on this web site. I have not used this web site for a good long time and am not sure what changes you made, but you might prefer to see the family information I am currently showing, including Frost ancestry, at: I would be happy to hear from you in relation to that web site. Don Chapman--Don Chapman 21:47, 8 January 2012 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Thanks [13 January 2012]Thanks for your response on my talk page.--DataAnalyst 18:12, 13 January 2012 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Charles Grinnell [23 January 2012]Im sorry, I am so new to this website, I want to click "reply" to get back to you and it does not work that way!!! Im delighted with the info you are providing, but I have tried to access the site you mentioned and the record of marriages boston 1879 and dont find how to get the info you have. Is there a secret to using this? I love researching and would love to get into this! I have an web page (The Drew A. Sawyer family page) that has tons of info collected over the years. Part of my family came to Gloucester in 1635 (william Haskell from England)and there is loads of info on that. Is this something that can be imported into WeRelate? I am a member of the Haskell genealogy society. Also have collected many census pages of relatives like Grinnell that give a wealth of info. Do you use these? That is where I found Delia Grinnell , kids and her parents living in 1900. Thank you so much for your help. Drew Sawyer Sawyer 15:29, 23 January 2012 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Chas Grinnell [24 January 2012]I think some things are comming together ..thanks to you! First, I believe the birth you found in 1861 for Elzrie Leahon would have been Alice's sister Elsie...just mispelled. Also after you found Bridget Lehan birth at almost the exact time as Delia's birth with the same parents mentioned, my guess would be Delia was "Bridget Delia" or Delia Bridget" any case one in the same. Which would make sense from the story passed down from my Grandmother Edna, that they were decended fro a "Bridget Lane"...But we never saw Lane in writing, and verbally Leahon could be pronounced as "Lane". That might explain a lot. Never did find out what happened to Chas 1900 census Delia was listed as married but no mention of where she misplaced her husband to!! Thanks for all your efforts! Drew--Drew Sawyer 19:03, 23 January 2012 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Question about Savage.... [3 February 2012]I'm thinking about a we-relate based transcript of Savage. As a starting point, I was looking at the "Full Text" versions at the internet archive, such as this. I can write some code that processes it into pages, creates a useful index and so forth. I was wonder though - is that version definitive? Thanks... --jrm03063 09:54, 3 February 2012 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Benjamin Butterfiled m Sarah Bates? [10 February 2012]Firstly, I am a novice, so this will probably be a question you have answered a dozen times before... I noticed that you removed this marriage...where did I go wrong? Doug--Dughall 12:31, 10 February 2012 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Vital Records of Chelsea, Massachusetts, to the Year 1850 Volume Two [13 February 2012]Am I losing my mind? I downloaded volume two from Google Books just last night. But I went this morning to add the link for volume two to the source page, and I can't find the free version. --Pkeegstra 07:56, 12 February 2012 (EST)
That page is part of a GEDCOM dump and run. Uploaded Sep 13 2007 and the user never returned. The best thing would to just delete the entire GEDCOM.--Scot 17:03, 12 February 2012 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Elizabeth Moore Lines, Acquackanonk, Essex County, New Jersey [3 March 2012]I am beginning research about Elizabeth Moore and Anthony Lines. Elizabeth Lines of Essex County, New Jersey is named as one of his children in Benjamin Moore's will proved in 5 Jan 1828 in Albemarle County. You posted previously about Benjamin Moore: A self-published manuscript "Moore" by Arthur Clayton Moore identifies the parents of Benjamin as "John Jackson Moore, Jr" and Sarah Platt of Essex County, New Jersey. While a "John More of the Township of Acquacknunk [Paterson, NJ] in the County of Essex" did name a son Benjamin in his will dated 30 Sep 1793, proved 7 Nov 1805, there are other facts that may suggest his son Benjamin was not the same person. More research is needed. From this I assume that you have researched Elizabeth Moore Lines and the New Jersey connection. I am looking for information about Elizabeth Lines (birth date, marriage date, death date, burial location) and about Anthony Lines. I've posted information about Anthony Lines found so far in his listing in I have not found any marriage record for Anthony Lines and Elizabeth Moore. No listings have turned up in the indexes to the local church records of the region (collections of the Holland Society of New York). I have also not found any will probate in the standard listing of court proceedings for New Jersey. This means that I have research to do in the local archives in Passaic, Bergen and Essex counties and some work in Trenton. Finding his will is the principal objective and his known death date 25 Jul 1840 should help locate the local records in the newly formed Passaic County (1837). Do you have any additional information about the New Jersey connection of Benjamin Moore? Do you have copies of the court proceedings of the court actions in Virginia regarding Benjamin Moore's will. Do these provide references to Elizabeth Lines or her affidavits? Also, a speculative thought: Anthony Lines was the son of a Palatine German immigrant, Conrad Lein, and lived in a Dutch and German community in Bergen County, New Jersey. Isaac Moore seems to be associated with German Americans in Augusta County (Zumbro, Koiner, etc). It may be that the Moore line is German in origin rather than English.--Jejones 13:23, 1 March 2012 (EST)
Agreed. I am following a bit of a Missouri line with this research in needing to be shown all of the proofs/documents. This leaves me with Benjamin Moore and no earlier information. I hope that the research into Elizabeth Moore Lines will produce information of the link to the Moore family in New Jersey (and even that fact I am reserving judgement about). Benjamin M. Lines is most probably the son of Elizabeth Moore Lines. He is born in New Jersey but is in Virginia in the 1830s as proved by his marriage to Jane Ballard on 15 Nov 1832 in Albemarle County. His listing indicates that Elizabeth Moore Lines died prior to 1830. What connects Elizabeth Lines with Anthony Lines? Have you seen any documents that lists them as a married couple/proves that Anthony was her husband? Elizabeth Moore was probably 20 years younger than Anthony Lines and would have been a second or third wife. Fanny Lines Simonson (1789-1869) shows up as a likely daughter of Anthony Lines and her birth date leaves no possibility that Elizabeth Moore was her mother. Possibly significant is the detail that both Fanny Lines Simonson and Benjamin M. Lines were buried in Presbyterian cemeteries (Caldwell, NJ and Waynesboro, VA) suggesting that the marriages and baptisms might be found in Presbyterian church records.
I even have reservations about New Jersey - for me it is still not proven. We know that his grandson listed Benjamin Moore's birthplace as New Jersey and we know that Elizabeth Moore Lines was born in New Jersey and lived in Acquackanonk, Essex (after 1837 Passacic) County, New Jersey. Aquackanonk was a bustling little transportation hub serving Manhattan in the late 1700s - early 1800s. It then was the site of some of the earliest railroad construction in America. The location had movement and so the location of Benjamin Moore's family home is very much up in the air. [add comment] [edit] Savage Transcript About [8 March 2012]I recall and appreciate your reservations about Savage as a high quality source of genealogical info, but I really feel like it's too ubiquitous to ignore (for purposes of the WeRelate target audience). Also - as you've chimed in on some of the discussion - it's important to start to nail down errors so that they don't keep recurring. I would appreciate your review of the tentative practice document for the transcript - with a particular focus on technique for designating defective content in Savage. Thanks!--jrm03063 11:29, 8 March 2012 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Savage re:Thomas Doggett [18 March 2012]I saw your remarks on the issue of Savage mistaking one Thomas Doggett for another. I've noted the error in the transcript and supported that by quoted you on the corresponding discussion page (for which your review and/or expansion would be appreciated). I've also tried to add a note about Savage being mistaken on this issue on pages where the error seems most apt to recur (while superior source material should be a sufficient protection against the error being re-introduced, I don't think we'll ever regret being explicit). --jrm03063 20:11, 17 March 2012 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] One About is as Good as Another (Precision with Dates) [18 March 2012]However, a further Caveat, if you see the date written as Feb 11, 1731/32, is this Feb 22, 1732, Washington's Birthday. I would imagine that there are many cases where people have converted the 11 day difference in secondary sources written after 1752.--Scot 14:13, 18 March 2012 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] William Holbrook, husband of Hopestill Read [9 April 2012]Hi Jrich, Didnt mean to make a duplicate there for William. Just adding stubs before I go back and add all my sources and sometimes Im not checking well enough if they've already been created (note - not uploading a GEDCOM).--DMaxwell 09:16, 9 April 2012 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Jeremiah Horton Fix [24 April 2012]Nice!! Thanks (although he's not one of mine).--jaques1724 23:03, 24 April 2012 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Beginner goofs [2 May 2012]Hi. I appreciate your comments regarding my message, I'll try and correct the deficiencies. As I mentioned in the initial e-mail, I am not just a beginner, but know little about "formal" genealogy methodologies. My friend, a "Hyde", had been pondering about her family history (she's 78 and most close relatives are gone), and I offered to do some basic research to see what I could dig up on-line. Once I hit some 80 names, and filled up about 20 pages of a MS Word document in which I tried to organize the information so she could follow it, I determined that I needed some organizational help. Looking around, I found the WeRelate site, and thought it might be a way to quickly organize the information which I had collected, which is to a large extent based on Census records and others from Family Search. I had NO IDEA that anyone would "jump in" so quickly with such useful information about some of the names!! The link to the entry for "ROBERT H HYDE" in the Oklahoma history/mug book was just fabulous, and she will be delighted to have this much information all from one place (And I know how unreliable these information in these mug books can be!) My current objective is to try and interest her into continuing this research, both to satisfy her own curiosity about her family, and also to provide her a a hobby/interest which will allow her to occupy her free time (TV's a vast wasteland!). I think if I can get her interested, she can do a "professional" job expanding her family data. She is a retired university professor, and I am sure she understands the need for proper documentation of sources, etc. I did retain and document sources for most of the names posted in this initial "Tree", and I did include them (at least in brief form) in my initial MS Word document. Much of this initial information has been derived from the FamilySearch/LDS web site, e.g., Census and Birth/Death Index records. I was rushing to put together enough of a structure so that I could show her what a "Tree" would look like, and thus determine if she would have an interest in continuing with the research. Specific replies to your observations. 1. My use of the [1], [2], etc. as part of the name was to give me a systematic way to track which of my names made it from my original MS Word document to the WeRelate database. Adding them to the "Title Prefix" field seemed like a good way to isolate them until I was sure all my initial data was transcribed, and it was my intention to eventually remove them once that was done. 2. I did not identify many sources in this initial push, mostly because of the reasons noted above, AND an uncertainty as to how to format them ,etc. It's obvious I need to study some other entries made by experienced researchers - it's unfortunate that there seems to be no other HYDE or DARROW people in the WeRelate database at present, as that would be an obvious place to begin. I have many questions. For example, is the inclusion of the page from the 1900 Census appropriate on the entry of ROBERT H HYDE, or is it redundant since it is obvious that the information is available at several locations on-line? 3. The manner of entering the "unnamed children" was a definite kludge on my part, but I wanted to reserve locations in the tree to remind me about people/names I knew I needed to look for. I appreciate your comments, both in e-mail, and on your User page, about the annoying characteristics of incomplete or anonymous names. I'll change per your suggestions. 4. The "Living" people have been deleted; they were really part of an experiment to see how WeRelate developed multi-generational trees. 5. Your reaction to the part about "never cleaning it up" is of course, correct. My comment was based on my uncertainty as to whether this sort of activity would appeal to my friend. If she turns out to have no interest, then I have no motivation to continue. I suppose at that time, I would have the alternatives of (a) leaving it as as, in the hopes that it might be useful to someone else, even without proper source references, or simply deleting the entire set of family data. I have absolutely no idea which would be the most appropriate solution, and hopefully this will not be a decision that would have to be made. Enough rambling for now. Am off to show her what I have discovered. Mike--MML1942 17:34, 2 May 2012 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Deborah Hunt [13 June 2012]thanks for the clarification on her birth date!--Khs2000 01:56, 5 June 2012 (EDT) Thanks for fixing Joseph Hunt - I added him and forgot to put in the details--Khs2000 10:37, 13 June 2012 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Note [6 June 2012]Jrich, I am fully aware of the rarity of middle names before the 19th century, although they were more common in Southern states in the 18th century (and in fact I have several in my tree, one dating to a child born in 1736). I simply wrote down what I had in my old sources (a transcription of the birth record, which at one time did read 'Josiah B Brown'). My area of specialty is the Scott family of Iowa (my mother's family), so I am not always familiar with the ins and outs of other families that I am not researching. Based on that marriage date, I was right to have some doubt about the William and Rebecca couple (who, like I said, seem to connect to none of the Brown or Prentice lines) who seem to be completely unresearched. Another note I wanted to make to you is that some of the lines that are unsourced online often are sourced by items no where online, such as those from County Historical Society histories. Nearly all of the ones I have had in my tree I have been able to track down the source for; an exception to this might be the Batterson Family Bible, which no longer is online but I am trying to get a copy so the Batterson lines can be sourced. I also have a favor to ask. Please do not assume that I am an internet newbie when it comes to genealogy; I already have one book in progress and two others on the drawing board, so I have some level of expertise. I have started to rectify the stubs of mine that you dislike so much, a few at a time.--DMaxwell 00:17, 6 June 2012 (EDT)
What amazes me is that this appears to be an unresearched New England line. I didnt think there were many of those left. So I was probably justified in leaving the DOB off Josiah's page. My hope was that there was some literature on him, but it doesnt look like it.--DMaxwell 10:54, 6 June 2012 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Since you are good at finding things. [12 June 2012]I wonder if you might be able to help me with a conflict over John Lee of Guilford, who married Elizabeth Crampton, and from this couple I descend from. Many trees claim is the same man born in Northampton Mass on 2 Jan 1657. The problem is that they cannot be the same man. Two different death dates exist for him (one in 1711 and the other in 1718, the latter I believe is the correct one), two families, etc. This post explains in part why this cannot be the same man: I've found some vague posts online that say he is actually the son of Hugh Lees of Saybrook Colony, but no reference is shown. The trouble is that he cannot have had children with both Liz Crampton and Sarah Loomis. I also seem some trees claim a third wife and family. No one seems to have sorted him out, and there is scant information on this Hugh Lees.--DMaxwell 10:52, 12 June 2012 (EDT)
I find the internet is useful to see if there are 'issues' with certain lines. The trouble with this one was there was little literature on the Lees. If I accepted everything printed, Id have a ton of wrong lines on my own.--DMaxwell 14:30, 12 June 2012 (EDT) Also, that article doesnt seem to solve the issue of the two different John Lees. The Northampton one is not the same as the Guilford one. That was the problem I wanted to find the answer to. Notice in the article she says John Lee of Westfield did not marry Elizabeth Crampton. I also pulled up the older NEHGS record, it doesnt mention a wife other than Elizabeth. I hoped to be able to separate the different John Lees instead of the chimera we have now.--DMaxwell 14:49, 12 June 2012 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Wells family sources [2 July 2012]Thanks for adding sources to a few of the Wells family pages. I havent been able to work on any of these lines much due to power outages we're having here almost daily in Ohio.--DMaxwell 18:59, 2 July 2012 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Don't leave! [10 August 2012]Jrich, I know you and I butted heads at first (I wrongly felt I was being talked down to), but I appreciate your style and your willingness to help out with lines not that of your own. I came around to your viewpoint and stopped leaving 'stubs' for months on end and instead adding proper sources straight away. Cleaning up the world of online genealogy - with all its myths, distortions, and sometimes outright lies might seem as impossible as draining the Pacific Ocean sometimes, but you were on the right track and doing a good job of changing this. Perhaps take a break, but please do not vanish. You are one of the top 5 contributors that I have run into on the sight and it would suffer without your input. Take care, Daniel Maxwell--Daniel Maxwell 05:46, 10 August 2012 (EDT)
Adding my voice to the "don't leave" chorus. We've probably butted heads, too, at points. And yet I respect the dedication you've demonstrated to quality content. Recently, for example, I was enjoying the back and forth about the Merriams. You helped clarify things for me. I'll echo Daniel's suggestion that a break might be in order because if you're frustrated all the time, then yeah, that's no fun. But please reconsider leaving altogether. I'll also try to harmonize with what I'm reading between Janie's lines: finding a way to collaborate that is less confrontive/combative will benefit you, everyone and the site. I totally get your commitment to quality. That is evident. It's just sometimes you leave bruises and skinned knees in your wake. I often read your comments to others and think, "ah, jrich, take a breath... or two or five..." Ultimately, you make the call as to how and where to spend your resources. But just know that you have contributed a great deal here. Thanks. Jillaine 12:14, 10 August 2012 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Regarding some of your recent edits [2 October 2012]I have observed your recent edits to Samuel Andrew and William Leete. Please be aware of the etiquette guidance that indicates:
Your edits seem to be at odds with this guidance. I would appreciate it if you would be more careful on this in the future. --jrm03063 10:08, 2 October 2012 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Now I've got one for you [5 October 2012]As I noticed before, we seem to share the Holbrook line of Weymouth, Mass. One issue I had that I noticed was that you deleted Elizabeth (Pitts?) Holbrook's name from her page:
..perhaps prematurely. Normally Id have no problem with removing false parentage but this one seems to have some real meat to it. It would seem that Mrs Elizabeth Pitts did die in New England and that Mrs Holbrook was her daughter. The trouble is I cant find much info on this supposed Mrs Elizabeth Pitts to really say whether or not Pitts is a remarried name or if William Holbrook's wife was indeed a Pitts as born. My policy in these situations normally is to assume she is also a Pitts unless we have evidence to the contrary. Joseph Neal Ancestry (the main source for the Holbrook line) isnt available right now so I cant see what he wrote about it, Im not sure if he was covered anywhere else. I've seen some trees claim a Pitts colonist as her father but I dont know if this is in any way true. Your input would be appreciated.--Daniel Maxwell 06:37, 5 October 2012 (EDT)
Thanks Jaques. The Joseph Neal book is 'check out' on open library and I had no other means of getting it. I just wondered if anything else is known about this Mrs Pitts, so we might be able to see what the evidence is for her having a prior marriage for or against. I had no position either way but wondered if there was any more literature on this woman.--Daniel Maxwell 08:47, 5 October 2012 (EDT) [add comment] [edit] Sarah Thorne & Jas Jackson Thanks [24 October 2012]Thanks for editing the sources on the family page for Family:James Jackson and Sarah Thorne (1). I very carefully changed MySources for Sarah on her person page before I merged the two pages, but it appears that those changes did not follow over to the family page! Is this a bug or just something I should have known and taken care of? (Obviously I didn't check the family pg before I left the site.) The sources on their family page now look much more complete. I was surprised that you didn't delete the source that didn't have the correct info. But then I realized if you had just deleted it without comment, I wouldn't have known the citation was in error. I'm still learning...--Janiejac 09:46, 24 October 2012 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Davis [12 November 2012]I am so sorry! Yes, you are so correct that Eleazor could not have been over a hundred years old! I was just so excited to find the missing link - I had the history from myself up to James and then of course Dolar down to Simon. I found the following on someone else's FREEPAGES GENEALOGY ROOTSWEB: (and it does list date of death 27 Oct 1831 as that of both father and JR son) Eleazer Davis [Parents] was born on 11 Aug 1722 in Concord,Middlesex,MA. He died on 27 Oct 1831 in Holden,worcester,MA. He was buried in Oct 1831. He married Sarah Ward on 27 Jul 1748 in Holden,worcester,MA. Sarah Ward [Parents] was born about 1727 in of Holden,worcester,MA. She died in 1825 in Holden,worcester,MA. She was buried in Jul 1825 in Holden,worcester,MA. She married Eleazer Davis on 27 Jul 1748 in Holden,worcester,MA. They had the following children: M i Asahel Davis was born on 5 Mar 1750. He died on 9 Mar 1810. M ii Eleazer Davis Jr. was born on 22 Mar 1751. He died on 27 Oct 1831. M iii Bela Davis was born on 12 Apr 1753. M iv Samuel Davis was born on 24 Jan 1756 in Holden,worcester,MA. He died on 24 Sep 1778. F v Lucretia was born on 4 Jun 1758. She died before 8 Jun 1798. F vi Sarah Davis was born on 10 May 1760. She died on 6 Mar 1830. F vii Dorothy Davis was born on 7 Oct 1762. F viii Mary Davis was born on 11 Aug 1764. F ix Molly Davis was born on 11 Oct 1764. M x Jonathan Davis was born on 22 Apr 1767. F xi Lydia Davis was born on 22 Aug 1769. M xii James Davis was born on 22 Jun 1772. F xiii Lucy Davis was born on 18 Mar 1777. This will teach me to find double proof of things and to document my sources. I am a very beginning beginner and just wanted to help if anyone else was trying to link the two parts of the chain. I'll be more diligent, but I thank you for working on this for me! (looking more closely, the dates for Sarah Ward would have her having her last baby at 50 and being 98 at the time of death... not very common then) Kate--Kaybella 22:55, 11 November 2012 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Davis [12 November 2012]Also, I apologize again, but I hit a wrong key and spelled Eleazor with an N at the end, and then tried to fix it but could not figure out how. Is it possible to delete any entry with that incorrect spelling?--Kaybella 23:03, 11 November 2012 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Thanks [15 November 2012]Howdy Jrich, noticed you helped out on a few Parmenter families that I added. Thanks for adding the records. Best regards, Jim:)--Delijim 16:37, 15 November 2012 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Edward Doty [22 December 2012]It grieves me to see him linked to a set of parents as the authorities do not recognize his parentage. Why proliferate fraudulent genealogies???--Gypsy1930 12:06, 22 December 2012 (EST)
I am sorry if I offended you. I am delighted with the info you added. I only made the comment because you are volunteer staff and much more knowledgeable about making changes on WeRate. PEACE--Gypsy1930 22:00, 22 December 2012 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] template on Flora [23 December 2012]I responded on Person talk:Flora Miller (4), but yes, it was a demo, and is currently linked from the 22:47, 23 December 2012 (EST) [add comment] [edit] Thanks! [14 January 2013]I have noticed the work you have put into people connected to Mary Lovell Curtis [7] like her brother in law Turner Reed [8] and many others. I am fairly new to doing genealogy, so I just wanted to say thank you; it has substantially improved the level of scholarship for the research. Forbes72 16:44, 13 January 2013 (EST)
[add comment] [edit] Relation? [8 June 2013]Hello, I saw that you made contributions to my Wheeler and Bigelow sides of my family trees. I was curious if you and I are related. My grandfather is Earl Wendell Ladd B. 03 Apr 1935. His mother is Bernice Ethel Bigelow B. 11 Jul 1897, wife of Orange Nolan Ladd B. 13 Nov 1906. Bernice Bigelow is my great grandmother. Thanks! Lauren Ende (nee Ladd)--LEnde1018 19:08, 8 June 2013 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Relation or Just Knowledgable? [13 June 2013]I saw that you and I watch about 20 pages in common. Are you related to them (Sprague, Rogers, Woodworth) or are you just knowledgable? I just discovered this site. I have two notebooks my mom compiled full of my ancestors going back to the first century AD that I'm going through. Susannah--Srbarker 20:33, 13 June 2013 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Something happened to nomerge template on Samuel Wright talk page [2 August 2013]You recently merged two talk pages - Person Talk:Samuel Wright (27) and Samuel Wright (65) - and the nomerge template on the Talk page now refers to a non-page (Person: title of this page). Not quite sure how that happened, or what it should be. Could you check this out? Thanks--DataAnalyst 14:51, 2 August 2013 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Family:John Bowne and Hannah Feake (1) edit on 8/27 [27 August 2013]Hi, It seems to me that some of the narrative deleted does not appear on John's or John and Hannah's page. Can it be put back? Thanks,--Sheri 17:53, 27 August 2013 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Washburne Conflicting Data info [27 August 2013]Thanks for catching that. I'm sure there are going to be more references like that as User:DataAnalyst is working to upload my Jackson database. (I had no idea how to divide up the db into small enough segments.) The Conflicting Data page that is referred to about Person talk:Unknown Washburne (1) is on my website here: I hesitate to link over to that page because I am getting on in years; the website may not remain many more years. I have not posted the whole article on that page; only an excerpt, and I don't think the way it is written up right now is the way it should be presented on WeRelate. The article is copyrighted so I can't just copy it. And right now I don't feel up to redoing it. Would you be willing to work on something that could be posted to WeRelate about this? There are so many charts "out there" still saying Robert's wife was Agnes Washburne that I feel it is necessary to present Mr. Macy's conclusions in some fashion. If doing this won't fit into your schedule right now, perhaps I'll feel more able to do it myself a bit later. Or maybe someone else will read this and decide to do it. It needs doing. Just wanted you to know about it and encourage you 'have at it' if you want. --janiejac 21:17, 27 August 2013 (EDT)
[add comment] [edit] Family tree of timothy Phillips and Freelove Stone [23 September 2013]Hi, I noticed you made some citaitons/ corrections to my additions on this tree. Sorry if I am making a mess. I am only interested in this tree as it is my mother's line. I will be making additions and corrections as I go on. As I get closer to my own family I am afraid I don't have the records only dates passed down if even that, so it make take time. Sorry for my inept usage of this site i only just joined. Regards susy--Susyfreelove 21:16, 23 September 2013 (UTC) [add comment] [edit] sources and editing [24 September 2013]Sorry. You appear to take this all very personally. I promise you that I am doing my best. Who made this site anyway because it terribly difficult to use and I am having trouble editing dates, towns and sources. I can assure you that all the people I am adding are from my personal tree and they are legit. However place names and dates will need correcting and citations added. I don't think i am doing any harm because I know these people I have put are real and legit and hopefully I will receive some help along the way. I appreciate you linking me up to my great great great grandfather Llyod and all the info along with it. However on his brother tombstone in Orange mass, was the name Alvoid. And I have the dates of his death from the stone but I can not edit this on the page.:(--Susyfreelove 22:26, 23 September 2013 (UTC) thank you for the Llyod connection and citations. :)--Susyfreelove 00:10, 24 September 2013 (UTC) [add comment] [edit] Baptism - Christening - Birth [25 September 2013]Yes, the GEDCOM standard does appear to use the terms baptism and christening interchangeably. The broad non-specific nature of the definition accommodates the different and widely varying practices of all religions. It is not meant as as a defacto one-size-fits-all standard. To apply it as such diminishes the wonderful and rich diversity of our religions. A case in point is the Minor/Miner family baptisms of 15 Sep 1751, when four Minor children ranging in age from a few months to a few years old were baptized in the First Church of New London, CT. Clearly, this was not a naming ceremony, but rather a ceremony to bring the children into the church and its belief system. To note these ceremonies in the WeRelate record as a christening is not historically correct, nor would it be consistent with Connecticut VRs, church records, and the independent conclusions of multiple genealogists. Consider Hans Landis, the Swiss Anabaptist Minister martyred in 1614 by the civil authorities of the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. He is emblematic of an entire religion based on when and how many times a person of faith should be baptized. The Anabaptists (meaning twice baptised) later evolved into the Mennonites, Amish, and numerous other offshoots all with their own distinct timing and religious dogma surrounding baptism. Neither the term nor pracice of christening (as in a naming ceremony) is used by any of these faiths. Next steps: 1) WeRelate data entry protocals should be adjusted to accomodate the diverse and unique practices of all religions. 2) The baptism entry should be used when applicable. In my opinion, it should be on par with the christening entry; that is, neither baptism or christening should have preference. 3) More attention needs to be paid to the distinction between baptism and christening, including the use of christening as a defacto birth record - a practice that should be avoided if for no other reason than accuracy in my opinion.--Frank 13:12, 25 September 2013 (UTC)
[add comment] [edit] Free Census Images [6 November 2013]Could you please put a short description on the Watercooler on how to change the ancestry fee-site image references into free images? I have hundreds of such references and kept them this long only because I didn't know there was a reliable free alternative. I expect other folks might want to know as well. Another thing that might be helpful, would be to add an expanded usage tip on the appropriate census source pages. Thank you. --jrm03063 14:57, 6 November 2013 (UTC) [add comment] [edit] Thank you [9 November 2013]Thank you for resolving the problem with Josiah/Josias/Jonah Cowan. Q 12:56, 9 November 2013 (UTC) [add comment] [edit] Additional analyses. [30 December 2013]Example: Latest addition to page Family:Uzal Wardwell and Grace Unknown (1) - Gives me an opportunity to thank you for your ongoing efforts in attempting to unravel anomalies in the records. I may not always agree with your conclusions, but they definitely help to advance the discussion.--jaques1724 18:46, 30 December 2013 (UTC)
[add comment] [edit] Ezekiel Brigham/Martha Bigelow [30 December 2013]Is Ezekiel Brigham (1) the correct husband for Martha Bigelow (6) in your opinion? I can't match the birth dates...--Frank 23:00, 30 December 2013 (UTC)
The reference you so kindly provided is enough to link them together I think. The mention of his second wife, Millicent, is consistent with the headstone where all three are buried.--Frank 00:30, 31 December 2013 (UTC) In the meantime I'll keep my eyes peeled for a better 1st hand source.--Frank 00:32, 31 December 2013 (UTC) |